so sad


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
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when I was at the hospital last night my sister and I were in the waiting room of accident and emergency and there were a few people with motor bike helmets there, at one point a man and woman were sitting the man had his head in his hands and the woman's shoulders were shaking as she struggled to keep control. As the evening wore on more and more people gathered outside the entrance some smoking and others hugging each other, one girl was about 14 and she was uncontrollable, I heard the words broken neck.

I have been thinking about that today wondering if everything turned out ok and I have just been on to the local newspaper website and it turns out that it was a 16 year old and he died from his injuries.

I am not sure why I am really writing this but wanted to get it out as I feel really sad, when you see the devestation that these things leave behind it really does make you wonder at life. Thomas is therefore never allowed on a bike.

I also heard a little baby screaming and screaming in the a & e and my heart was bleeding all I wanted to do was come home and give thomas a cuddle.

I think that the hospital staff have such a tough job dealing with these things day in day out, so if you are a nurse doctor or whatever hats off to you, I couldn't do it.
oh no :(

my ex died at 13 bing hit by a car on his bicycle. he had been drinking.

its so sad when this happens :cry:
omg that made me cry :( :cry: :cry:
things like that always get to me
i would be the same as you hunni

i had a kind of same expierience when i was at hospital once, but im not going to tell the story becasue its too sad

i hope you are ok,
everyone have a hug :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh no, isn't that terrible :cry:
It is awful when you read these things in the newspaper, but it is only when you see first hand the upset & devastation caused by death that it really hits home.
His poor family, so tragic at such a young age :cry:
aw robyn didn't mean to make you cry chicken :hug:
missac said:
aw robyn didn't mean to make you cry chicken :hug:

well in a way its cos i have a load of 16 years friends that have bikes, and its upsetting obviously,
lost his life too soon,
do you have a link or anything to the story?
or isnt there really any information.

:hug: :hug:
this just explains what i meant this morning, about this world being a nasty place :(
its really sad

some times we go about in our little worlds worrying over stupid things bills etc
when there are people out there going through torture

i dont think i would ever cope with the pain of loosing a loved one :(
my worse worse fear
Its terrible to think that someone you love and care for can be taken away in a second, makes you really appreciate what you have and make the most of our loved ones and not to just take it for granted that they will always be there.

:cry: :cry: :hug:
dionne said:
its really sad

some times we go about in our little worlds worrying over stupid things bills etc
when there are people out there going through torture

i dont think i would ever cope with the pain of loosing a loved one :(
my worse worse fear

I always stop myself now when I start moaning about being skint or put a couple of pounds on and feel like slapping myself!

Things like that really make you stop and think don't they? :cry: :cry:
that is so terribly sad, it makes everything seem so trivial. :(
poor lad, i feel for his family :(

i will never let Jam have a bike, theyre awful :(
:cry: That is awful My heart really go's to their family and friends. My DH very nearly got a motor bike & I hated the idea, but then 1 of our close friends was killed in a motorbike accident & seeing the pain and hurt that people go through when someone is killed has made him change his mind.( Thank Goodness)

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