So sad we go again


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
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oops: think i might have jinxed myself - did a digi this morning - not pregnant - lines still on tests but not as strong today and my temps are down.

Think it may be a chemical again :( :( :( :( :( Feeling really sick and scared - why does this keep on happening to me - the lines are definate lines not evaps - they have colour and show up in the time but then just start to fade .......
have you thought of starting low dose asprin? i started 2 weeks ago my doc checked and there is no risk in early pregnancy. it stops thr blood clotting and helps prevent early mc.

CB digitals aren't as sensitive as the other dipstick type tests hun. Maybe theres not enough hormone in you system yet for the digital to pick up. Just a thought hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
What were the tests that you got the BFPs on - can you post some photos?

As someone else said, CB Digi's aren't as sensitive so don't lose hope yet...

Fingers crossed...x
:pray: ing for you, babe ....... could you get to the doctor and sort it out, would he do a blood test for you? All the best wishes in the world for you (you've got me feeling quite tearful myself) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Big hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im quite new to this part of the forum, how long have you been TTC?
just over 6 months but this is my 3rd chemical pregnancy now if AF starts....... I wouldnt mind if I looked at the tests after the time frame but I didnt - watched the clock each time, infact for the past 2 days havent even got back to the clock before the line had started to appear!! Anyway just sitting back waiting to see what happens - half of me thinks perhaps its too early for a digi to show but then you see other people getting them at 10 and 12 dpo and I was 14 when it was BFN.... On an up note the lady from first response seemed quite hopeful that if their line came up within 5 mins (was clearly visable after 3) that it would be a positive however faint........ Just stuck in Limbo land - would try another test but cant hold my wee for longer than an hour and then I am bursting..... :wall: :wall:
Well ive got my fingers & toes crossed for you. Do you have anymore children or is this yr first?? If im too nosey tell me to bog off
Dont worry you are not too nosey - yes I have a daughter of 20 and a son who is nearly 18!! This is my second marriage and although my husband has been fantastic to my two over the past 12 years it would be wonderful if we could have a child together. Unfortunately my age (41) makes it much harder than when I was 20!! I got pregnant by just sitting next to my exhusband I think!!!
Your still a spring chicken!! Im 33 and started to think about having another child. When I had Isabella there was a lady opposite me who was 44 and it was her 1st. I think the youngest in my ward was about 30. Are you under a consultant??

I always wished my mum had another child with my step dad but unfortunately he had had the chop along time ago
No up to now the doctor just seems to think its a good thing we manage to get pregnant - I went to see them last month after I got a + on 10 and 11 DPO and then AF started, it happened in May too but I didnt think too much of it then....... Have booked an appointment for next thursday morning - either way if I am still pregnant we can book in if not I need to be getting some answers now this is all too much for me to deal with....

I'm trying to keep the witch away for you, but my AF has stopped. I'll keeping fighting her for you :hug: :hug:

this happens to me a lot. my anti bodies are boarder line. consider aspin...goodluck.

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