So proud!!

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Had a really bad day in work today-its very stressful at the mo and I dont feel I am coping with everything too well....

Anyway got to mums to pick her up, she ran up sat on my knee and said "Love you mummy"...I was blown away!! Mum said she has been saying it all day!!! She said it another 3 times one after the other, gave me a massive hug then looked at me in bewilderment as I was bawling my eyes out!!

It was the happiest, proudest moment of my entire life.

Ruby is growing into the most loving, onderful little girl and I am just so blessed

Sorry for the gushy mummy post, I just wanted to share :oops: xxx
That's so wonderful - she sounds like a little mummy's angel :hug:

I got a bit teary reading your message. I hope your work gets better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
aaaawwww thats sooo touching to read, I dont blame yuo for being so proud, what an amazing feeling

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Awwww Zoe that is just so adorable and probably just what you needed after the day you'd had :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh my god that is soooo lovely!!

Im gonna bawl my eyes out too when James says that to me!!!

Bless her, she is such a gorgeous little lady.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I think that must be one of the best feelings in the world when they tell you they love you without needing prompting or anything. And just what you needed after a bad day too!
Awwwww hun thats so so so so adorable!!! I bet you were just GLOWING!

Zachary doesnt say much at all yet...just the usual bits and bobs like cat, fish, yum, ta, all the little words, he isnt stringing a sentence together yet!!!

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