So pleased :D


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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Well I tried to breastfeed my son and it didn't happen at all. I had no milk come in and he was starving so I caved in and gave him formula. When I was pregnant with Tamzin I didn't know what to do about feeding and thought I'd just wait and see once she was born. When I had her I just knew I wanted to try again so I went for it and nearly 4 weeks later we're still going :D At 6 days old she had only lost 10g of her birth weight and at 10 days old weighed 6oz over her birth weight at 8lb 5oz. The HV came on monday to weigh her again and 2 weeks later she weighs 9lb 6.5oz :D I'm so pleased with her and can't believe it's all down to breastfeeding! My son really struggled to put weight on cos he hated formula and wouldn't take much so it's nice not to be worried about her weight gain! Just thought I would share :D
Wow! Well done! Feels so rewarding when it's successful doesn't it?!
10g loss is amazing for bf baby! They were so pleased with Angel and she lost 7oz!
Sounds great and well done you :) Sounds like she is doing wonderfully well so far :)

I love breastfeeding and am so pleased it worked out for us also. Glad you are enjoying it too.
Brilliant news. BF is such a great thing for baby and mother- it's just so rewarding esp when you see the benefits of it like you are. Once you get over the diffcult start it just gets better and better- in fact I'd say it's addictive.

Well done you :D :clap:

Alex xxx

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