So fed up :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2005
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Feel like crying today am so fed up, my life just consists of the same routine, just thought today 'friday gone thats another week past'
Didn't help that i spoke to one of my old work mates the other day and she was going on about all the stuff happening at work, and what she had been up to, then she asked well what have you been up to...
and my response was nothing - my days consist of the same routine, i really would love to go back to work, but i dont want/don't trust anyone else to look after Ewan, plus with TTC again so sooner as i start any work i'll catch again.

Also my mum bought me a really nice shirt from a carboot last weekend, and i thought i'd wear it this afternoon when i go see Jackie an old work mate, and i can't find it anywhere, can't find my phone cover or my key chain for it. I know Ewan has had my phone stuff, but the shirt i can't remember where i put it, i'm just hoping i or Ewan hasn't picked up the tesco bag and put it in the bin, i know mums going to ask if the shirt was ok and i'm going to have to admit i've lost it. So i feel really bad.

Going to my old work mates house this afternoon, and i' praying ewan behaves and doesn't pick everything up, its difficult to keep him in one place now he is on his feet.

Its pi@@ing down with rain so we can't even go for a walk, we were going to go to the soft ball park at cattle country but that is now closed for winter season - open Sundays only.
I should take him out in his push chair more often but i can't seem to get the energy, and to take him out anywhere costs money.

Ewan was up 2x last night screaming at 2 am refused milk and water, eventually went back to sleep but then woke at 5 screaming but had 3 oz of milk then i managed to get him to sleep.

Feel like all i'm doing is shouting at ewan to leave things alone,

Sorry long post and a bit of a winge - just needed to vent

Think i'm losing my sanity.
:hug: :hug:
The rain does nothing for a bad mood, makes everything seem worse.
I hope you enjoy seing your friend, that might pick you up a wee bit.
Aww :hug: hun I know what you feel like. All I seem to do all day is follow Reece about taking things out of his hands before he throws them. Everything goes missing because he hides them which is sooooooo annoying (apart from the other day when he hid the remote from OH it was so funny lol OH was totally lost :lol: )

i went back to work for a few months but hated it so jacked it in. I dont regret it cos I really didn't like it but I dont like the fact that I have no Me Time now. No matter what the weathers like now I take Reece out as often as possible, sometimes just to make the time pass by quicker. We walk for miles and miles someday.

Sitting here with a pot of tea now while all my friends are out on the town lol I feel so old and sad :rotfl: ... but if I had the chance to go back to how I used to be- out every weekend, young, free and single- I know I wouldn't change anything. I've got my life now, my friends haven't even found theirs yet. I'm so lucky.

How did your day go today then hun? :D
Well i found the shirt i'd lost, i'd left it over at the boat.

Met up with Jackie my old work mate, never got on with her that well at work, but she is fine out of the work environment - but she was my head nurse so i cuppose she had to be slightly less pally.
We had a good chat whilst i tried to stop ewan terrorising her two cats! who arent very friendly!

Then we spent the weekend over at our boat, was a bit cold but took my mum out to a carboot, then today went to fill the boat with diesel and water and got soaked in the various thunderstorms!! feet soaked - actually quite enjoyed it.. as it was away from home for a little while!!

Just got my phone cover and other bits to find plus the various left over socks!!

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