So Excited!!!

I didn't say you were attacking me personally, but you are quick to judge people by what they listen to, and suddenly go off a band just because they become 'mainstream'. You seem to strive to be 'different' from everyone, and as soon as something you like becomes popular, you are off to find something else to like before people like that too.

I'm not trying to start an argument (hard as that may seem), I'm just trying to show you that you are more like the people you bitch about than you realise.
lol fair dos i just went on your lil mans website i have that franz ferdinand shirt ur oh has but girls skinny fit tee i used 2 wear checkered shirts under it just double checking (cos ive never known anyone else to have it at all lol) is it back to front? wen i bought it of fte net it didnt advertise it was back to front lol
omg this has got out of control, i only posted how excited i was about fall out boy and now its lead to this!

im sorry but i have to say this.... Becks, you sure it was emo you were dressing at 13 and not goth? the two were very simlar back then.
13 year olds now do, coz emo music is no longer a sub genre, its broken in to the main stream and become a fashion/trend, just like punk did, in the late 70's.

You say that your not emo or a wannabe, but from where im sitting you fit most of the sterotypes of "emo". you seem to be everything you said you didnt like.

you use words like "scene" and "wannabe" instead of musical genre's.

sorry hun, i like you and all that but think about what your saying to others who follow the Emo or any trend, when you seem follow that trend yourself.

not being nasty, please dont get me wrong (((((hugs)))))

i've never been into goth me lol never dyed my hair black cos of my brown hair would look nasty when trying to grow it out had my lip piecered on side when i was 14 always dressed the sameish since i was very young and now i do get called emo
Can i ask and this may sound so stupid........ How do you mosh to music?!! and what is an Emo? i know it's something about dressing etc, but here a mosher is someone who wears massive baggy jeans and chains on thier jeans etc ith black hair and make up.

I am so confused!! Doesn't take much :oops: But moshing to music has intregued me!!
I just pulled this off a web page, i cant explain moshing, its something you just have to see, but this site has sumed it up...

Moshing basically is an expression of music by the crowd at a concert/gig. It occurs when bands usually of the rock, punk and metal genres play in a live setting. Now it's difficult to explain the essence of the mosh pit without completely underplaying it. But I'll try. At these gigs, members of the crowd will gather at the front and will furiously and passionately shove/ push/ body slam each other in time to the music. But the idea is not to cause any harm to each other( even though that's usually the case ) but just to enjoy the music in a less passive way, like you would if you were to dance to any type of music. But its better than just a dance , much better.

Oooh not my kind of thing :shock:

I side step to Diana Ross and Billy Joel!!! :wink:
lol, its not really mine either, altho i do it now and again, my fave is skanking to ska lol bet thats got you puzzled now too!
becks-334 said:
I dont care though so far i've been a emo and a chav

Erm, I was JOKING about the chav thing, it's so obviously not burberry It was a JOKE.
urchin said:
becks-334 said:
I dont care though so far i've been a emo and a chav

Erm, I was JOKING about the chav thing, it's so obviously not burberry It was a JOKE.
Not by you i've been told i'm a chav before on net by the way i type as when on net i dont usually check for puntuation and grammar lol
Skanking!! :think: Nope sorry!

I'm sure you do it cos you like me looking stupid!! LMAO :lol:
Well I havent a clue what you lot are on about ILMAO :D :D -

I must be an old fart!............................... :D :D

I like HEADBANGING TO: Ozzy, Motley Crue, Skid Row, Poison, Kiss


L x
Yeah - problem is thats the only one they ever play - they have sooooo many other good songs other than that...................

L x
Yeah i noticed it on scuzz quite alot recently and it just goes around and around in my head all day same with aerosmith - love in an elevator damn songs that get stuck in ur head!!!! :twisted:
I knew you were going to say Love in an elevator!!!!

Like all the radio stations - they just play the most well known song

L x

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