So confused!


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2013
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Hi everyone!
My cycle seems to be all over the place! Was due to ovulate around the middle of May but didn't, tested negative no ewcm. I then started getting ewcm a few days before I was due af tested positive for ovulation, dtd that night. Still no period and its now 46 days since my last one! Going to get a pregnancy test but I don't think it will be accurate until this Saturday (2ww) what do you think the chances are? I keep getting a few new goes, had some lower back twinges, tummy has felt a little muggy but no sign of af yet? Been trying for two years! Don't want to get my hopes up and I'm 42 so not sure if it's just me getting old!
They say us older ladies have a lot more anovulatory cycles, no egg . It could be that. On the other hand you might already of caught pregnant as ewcm and positive opk were signs when I caught. I would definitely test hun, get a frer as they are the most sensitive or super drug early.

You are in a similar situation to me only I'm a bit older 44yrs old and we have been trying for 2yrs, one mc last September, feels like its never going to happen. xx
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Have you had any fertility tests done ?, we are not entitled to IVF at our age, but your Dr can check fertility bloods, LH, FSH, prolactin, and do progesterone 21 day bloods to see if you definitely ovulate. It's worth asking just to make sure everything is working how it should be. xx
Still 46 days since your last af is hopeful? And you dtd in ovulation window? Unless you usually have longer cycles?
I would have been testing by now with an early test....its really the only way to find out. Im not an ovulation tester but perhaps I need to be to get exactly the right days.
Good luck and keep us updated xx
Fingers crossed for you
I am new here so can't really give much advice but just wanted to say good luck and my fingers are crossed for you!! <3
Have you had any fertility tests done ?, we are not entitled to IVF at our age, but your Dr can check fertility bloods, LH, FSH, prolactin, and do progesterone 21 day bloods to see if you definitely ovulate. It's worth asking just to make sure everything is working how it should be. xx

Hi, keep positive Hun it will happen x I had fertility tests done when we were trying for my first, all ok then I caught just before we started the IVF treatment! I had my first when I was 40 so I'm hoping nothing has really changed that much! I think if it still doesn't happen in the next couple of months I might get tested again. I did do a home fertility test but wasn't sure how accurate it was and that was ok too. Can't remember what it was called.
Thanks everyone! My cycle is usually around 34 days longest I think was 36. Got a test and heading home with it now! I'll do one now then wait until Saturday if that's negative!
Well that was negative but I'll do another Saturday, if that's negative too then I have no idea where Aunt Flo is this month!
Well that was negative but I'll do another Saturday, if that's negative too then I have no idea where Aunt Flo is this month!

Oh poo, I had everything crossed for you, the positive opk and ewcm must of been ovulation, at least you caught it so you're not out yet. I'll be stalking your thread lol.

I have pcos so it may never happen for me, I'm going to ask my Dr for clomid when I speak to her this week. x
Well that was negative but I'll do another Saturday, if that's negative too then I have no idea where Aunt Flo is this month!

Oh poo, I had everything crossed for you, the positive opk and ewcm must of been ovulation, at least you caught it so you're not out yet. I'll be stalking your thread lol.

I have pcos so it may never happen for me, I'm going to ask my Dr for clomid when I speak to her this week. x

Good luck, hope it works for you, everything crossed xx
Latest development. I'm getting school glue like discharge a milky off white colour. Not pouring out but there almost every time I wipe? Don't think I've had this just prior to a period before? I usually go from nothing to brown tinges then period. I can't remember what happened with my first lo because i stopped tracking anything as we were waiting for ivf to start when I caught! Roll on Saturday!
Latest development. I'm getting school glue like discharge a milky off white colour. Not pouring out but there almost every time I wipe? Don't think I've had this just prior to a period before? I usually go from nothing to brown tinges then period. I can't remember what happened with my first lo because i stopped tracking anything as we were waiting for ivf to start when I caught! Roll on Saturday!

Sounding more positive, I had the white lotion stuff when I caught too, I hope you see those 2 lines on Saturday hun xx
Fingers crossed for you and good luck for Saturday hehe xx

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Tested this morning (I know! I know! I couldn't help it!) and negative. Last night before bed, I wiped and there was the faintest tinge of pink, I mean really light andbonly the once, so I thought af had finally turned up but so far, nothing??!!
Still no af but a bit more milky glue type stuff??
Tested this morning (I know! I know! I couldn't help it!) and negative. Last night before bed, I wiped and there was the faintest tinge of pink, I mean really light andbonly the once, so I thought af had finally turned up but so far, nothing??!!

Oww, sounds like it could be implantation bleeding, do a test in 2 days time as that's when a positive will show. x
Thanks. I've read though (stupid google!) that ovulating late means it's an old egg and will most likely result in miscarriage :( I'm gonna do a new thread see if anyone has any experience. X
Got a bit of brown stringy discharge now (sorry! Tmi!) I think it might be period coming but might possibly be implantation bleed? I'm around 12/13 days late from when my period should have come and 2 week wait is up Saturday, test this morning was still negative ( know! I should just wait until Saturday!)
Af finally arrived today. No idea what my cycle was doing this month, but defo not pregnant &#55357;&#56866; Good luck all of you x

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