so confused


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2005
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as some of you know i put a post up last week about my hair then it went on to a rant about the MIL.

Yesterday OH gran came up to ask for all our full names and dates of birth as shes writing her will :( im scared.

Ive been thinking maybe his mum hates me so much as because i get on excellent with his gran better than she does if that makes sence and maybe all this outburst of her not wanting me to work and getting pregnant on purpose is all because of this will :?

I really dont want anything from her all i want is to get on with my life and all this bikkering to stop.

do yous think that it could bethrough this or is my mind just working over time through it all :think:

Anyway im just off teh fone and told them i couldnt accept the job seeing as i have no one to look after the kids till i get a nursery placement :(

thanks again everyone for all your support

love jean
I hadnt read the other post so I went back and had a look. Woah, she is one nasty peice of work. I know you are wanting to get a job so you dont have to scrape but imagine that peice of poison looking after your babies :shock:

I dont know that it would be related to the will though, maybe just the fact that you and her mum get on better is enough to set her off. She sounds like one damaged individual who has ruled her husbands and sons life for too long. He sounds too scared to stand up to her and would risk upsetting you rather than her which is a shame but she must be a right evil one.

Just keep well away from her, cut all the contact you can get away with and show her who the boss is when it comes to you.
thanks hunny that makes me feel like im not the one to blame :D

its her husbands mum im talking about whos writing the will as her parents are both dead.

If it wasnt for the kids loving her so much then i would stop her seeing them since shes making me feel terrible but adele lovesher to bits and i couldnt do that to adele although im starting to really hate his mum.

Thanks again hun its really made me feel a whole lot better

Ah, that makes even more sense if its the mil's mil. I see what you mean about Adele, its not something you can explain to someone her age but its definately not your fault!
I cant believe that evil woman :evil: who the hell does she think she is?

too old at 63? my mums 60 and works three days a week and has alex one day and my sisters two girls another. at the mo she plans to cut back to one day a week when she's due to retire and still have the kids when we need her too. she adores her time with her - you'd think your mil would too!

my mil has alex three afternoons a week and still begs to babysit when we go out - if she had her way we'd be out everynight too!

grrr some people make me so mad - you're supposed to be family - this is what families do - they help out!

i agree with Lauramum - its probably more about the relationship with her mil than the will. next time she kicks off just stand up to her and say

" you cant hurt me with your spiteful comments, i have a wonderful partner and two beautiful PLANNED children. we are a loving and happy family and i'm sorry you cant just share in that and enjoy it because you feel so bitter"

show you you couldnt care less whather she likes you - your oh and kids love and thats all that matters.

take care hun - i fshe kicks off i'll come and deck her :twisted:

last night i had a bit of a row with OH over it :(

he said ive just to ignore her and let her get on with what she thinks.
Worst of all shes comming on wednesday grrrrrr because colby has her third injections wish i never mentiond it to her.

We were supposed to be going to a car show just me and OH next week and he was going to ask his mum to look after the kids as its my birthday soon and he will be working. So now thats all out the window hes asked his friend to go with him and thats what set me off last night.
It wasnt the fact he asked his friend it was just it was all his idea to go together and spend some time as a couple, its just upset me a bit.
We have only been out once together alone as a couple in 5 years and since we have done nothing together i just feel we need some 'us' time, to get our relationship back to the way it was whenwe met i honestly feel we have drifted apart but i just cant do anything anymore to get that spark back. And with her and her comments makes me feel like im the bad one its all my fault were in so much debt, ive never asked him for anything infact he gets all the money and i have to ask him for some if i need nappies n stuff wich now im starting to feel like a kid asking for pocket money it shouldnt be like this.

sorry moan over i think im going through a dull part and everythings getting to me.

Thanks again girls for replying at least i know im not to blame
you are so not to blame! dont ever think that.

you shouldnt have to just put up with and ignore her comments - he should be telling her that he wil not have you spoken to in that way and thay you guys come as a package - if she sees the kids then she at least must be respectful and polite to you.

as for the car show thing no wonder you're pi**ed. you arrange to do something together then cos she wont have the kids he takes his friend instead?! i would be mad as hell! is there no one else who can help out? even if you dont spend all day there, just the aftenoon maybe? at least it would be a gesture on both parts that any amount of time together is better than none. or maybe no-one go and all of you spend the day together and once the kids are in bed then you two have a cosy meal together?

i really feel for you hun. sounds like you are always the one to compromise or ignore things.

oh and the injections - i'd ring her and say its fine there is no need for her to come. after all you'd hate to bother a poor old 63 year old would you :lol:

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