So bummed...stupied office clerks!!!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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I seriously need some advice and/or reassurance. 5 weeks ago my Dr. scheduled me for a gender determination u/s for this coming Tuesday!! I have been sooo excited. Yesterday I rang the office to ask if I could bring a VHS tape to record the u/s. The lady was like "OOoooohh, noooo, you are the lady that is only going to be 21 weeks, sheesh!" I asked what she meant and she told me that was too early and that unless I was going to fork out the money (up front, if I'd known they wouldn't have added it to my bill I could have been saving!!) for a 3D then my best bet would be to wait another 4-6 weeks!!! I told her that the Dr. had already discussed this with me and said he could tell and it would be fine. Then she proceeded to make ME feel like a complete arse!!! The DOCTOR is the one who scheduled it anyway, I don't think she knows more that him!!! This totally has me bummed. Also, my mom was coming up to see the u/s too. Should I go ahead and do it with the regular u/s. I KNOW he can tell.

How many weeks were you when you had yours?
I was 20 weeks and they could tell no problem with both my girl and my boy.
I was 21 weeks and they could tell with no problems :D just ignore the silly woman :D
Thank you! See, I look on the internet ALL the time and see that lots of women have them as early as 18 weeks. WHY would she just TRY to rain on my parade like that!!??? It upset me so much and I am super aggravated that they didn't tell me that I had to pay the u/s fee up front. My ins only paid for 1 and I had it early b/c I had some problems. Guess I'll be trying to make that money magically appear between now and Tuesday!! Wretched, miserable woman!!
Baby's gender can be determined by ultrasound from 18 weeks.

So you should have no worries (unless baby is in an awkward position on the day) just ignore the silly moo moo!
They should be able to tell no problems ! are you in the Uk- just wondered as it sounds more like the US?? (or am I mad :doh: ?)
Hahaha! You caught me. I am right in the middle of the U.S. I use to post lots on this forum, but I just read and learn mainly. I know you all much better than ya'll know me. :wave:
Got ya :lol:
Maybe the docs do things a bit different over there? Luckily I don't think babies know this--therefore you can still tell the gender at 18 weeks onwards :wink:
I had mine last saturday hun (private) and was 18 weeks and you could see very clearly :)

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