so annoyed

i can understand u being upset hun, she shouldnt have done that she is still very young but like you say its done now just hope she has learned a lesson :hug:
I know how you feel hun. I was pissed off a while back, xmas I think. I was over my Nana's and came into the living room from the kitchen to find my aunty had given Jack milky bar chocolate! I was so angry. Not only cos I wasn't weaning him yet but also cos it was chocolate. They still take the piss out of me now for not giving him any :roll: My Nana even said the other day.. why don;t you give him it so I replied.. whats the point when he's old enough to ask for it or want it I shall give him some. No point giving him it for the sake of it. She replied... you want to get him used to the taste though :shock: :wall: Noooo thats exactly what i don't want to do you mental woman :rotfl: No telling her though, she had 12 kids so obviously knows everything and is always right :roll:

Try not to let it spoil the first time she has something with you though. Just erase from your mind as annoying as it is :hug:
Grrrr id be pissing angry too - rant away! you have every right to be cross and you should have told her so beanie, shes taken away one of callys first experiences from you and your hubby!
i dont understand why people feel they ahve the right to do these things.. they know theya re doing wrong or they wouldnt say.. ohh lets not tell ur mummy.. id kick up a massive fuss.. all i can say is its out of order! massivly~!
:cry: :( :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I was lucky lil miss tried something out for herself... but if someone had given her something I'd be extremely p*ssed off
last week she grabbed a carrot whilst I was eating and I took it off her - wish I hadn't bothered now :( at least that would have been healthy.

why do people think they can just do that.I wouldn't dream of doing anything to anyone's child without asking first no matter how right I thought I was.
Well I was at a friends kids first birthday today...She didn't want to give her LO any of the cake because it was sweet and sugary... I said there would be no harm giving her a little bit of her own 1st birthday cake as it was a special occasion and well HER cake... BUT... I would never have just done it.. :shock: Thats her mothers prerogative.. :shakehead: Her kid her choice.
I'd be the same. I've already decided I'm not giving Angel sweets and chocolate. Not for a long time. But i know family will do the opposite of my wishes!
Rant away.
Aw beanie, that's sh*t, I'd be really furious too.

Are you going to follow it up and tell her how annoyed you are?

Valentine Xxx
beanie said:
Every friday I go round my Gramps housefor dinner. My uncle and his wife are there too with their children. Seren loves going and Cally likes getting loads of cuddles.

My Aunt was holding Cally after dinner and my cousins were fussing round her when I heard my aunt say "ooh we won't tell your mummy what you have just had" in a loudish voice.I asked what she had just had and my aunt told me she had given Cally some cream off a cream cake because "she was licking her lips" :o :o I managed to keepmy temper and say "she is too young" only for my aunt to say "its only a little bit, just off my finger, it won't harm her"

Am so p*ssing angry. I felt so underpressure with Seren to wean her before I wanted to and was determined to get to as close to 6 months with Cally. And even if I was giving her tastes it wouldn't be processed animal fat full of f'ing sugar. I know its not a major deal and that Cally won't be mentally or physically scarred but she's my baby and its my choice when to feed her. She has taken off me the first taste, that was going to be mine and OH's memory of letting Cally have a taste of food. AAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd be pissed off too. 1 that they fed my child without my permission and 2 becasue they fed her from a filthy stinking finger which could have been anywhere :x
Some folk just cannot help themselves.
I remember my friend trying to give my eldest a bottle of formula once - coz her daughter was formula fed and gaining weight faster she thought i was starving Emily on breastmilk :lol: i can laugh about it now but at the time i nearly poked her eyes out with frustration.
Don't let this affect your relationship with your aunt. Next time you see her just don't let her hold Cally. Tell her shes clingy and doesn't like strangers! :lol: that should pee her off.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I really hope it doesn't happen again, and I'm so sorry it happened, people can be so ignorant and insensitive when it comes to babies and what they think they can do with them :roll:
Some people just can't help poking in can they! I would be annoyed too!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

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