snooky - baby here and we are home!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2008
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Just a note to say just got home today after 6 days in hospital. Will do birth post when i can think straight and know who i am and what the date it is!!

Quick summary:

Ethan Matthews born 3 days overdue on 21st Feb 08 weighing 8 pounds and 2 ounces, born after imergency c section after being induced and it not working as baby was stuck in wrong position in pelvis.

Was in early labour for 3 days before they put me on drip for 14 hours and only dilating up to 3 cm!!

Needless to say i cam completely traumatised but the whole experience and have to say it was one of the worst things in my life and being in hospital for so long was awful. I failed breast feeding and they ohnly let me out today as i went on the bottle instead otherwise it would have been another 2 days.

Luckily i am totally in love with my beautiful boy who is so utterly adorable and my whole world and so worth it.

Thanks for all your support ladies and it will all be worth it in the end.

Aww huni :(

Im sorry you had such a rubbish labour!!

Im glad your both safe and home though hun, look forward to the birth story.

Will ya be getting some piccies up??

aww im sorry you had such a hard time darling :hug: you havent failed tho so dont even think that way hun. Looking forward to seeing some pics and reading your birth story hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
Congrats on the birth of Ethan, I bet he is gorgeous!

Sorry to hear you had a traumatic time of it :hug: like you say though your little one is soooo worth it!!

And please dont beat yourself up with the breastfeeding, so long as your baby is happy and healthy and feeding, whether it be breast or bottle it really doesnt matter :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry it was a horrible experience. But congratulations on your little bundle!
Congrats on Ethan. Sorry to hear you had a tough time. :hug: :hug: I had quite a difficult labour & didn't manage to breastfeed, so I can understand a bit about how you are feeling. Don't beat yourself up about the breastfeeding, you tried & plenty of healthy babies are bottle fed. Theres a lot to be said for a happy, well fed baby.

Looking forward to seeing pics
Sorry to hear you had a rough time but the main thing is you are both okay and home safe. Congratulations :hug:
Sorry to hear that you had such a negative experience but BIG congrats on your little man. I'll look forward to seeing some pics.

Look after yourself, sweetie :hug:

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