Sleeping troubles


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2012
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For what feels like the millionth night in a row ive been waking up at 5am again haven't gone to bed at 2am! Managed to sneak in an extra hour after but now wide away and up on the sofa..... Any tips for getting a good nights rest???? I'm getting desperate! X

Hiya. I'm having the same problem so can't wait to see some tips! X x
Also been having same probs wen speaking to the pharmacist its down to hormones and we cannot take any kind of herbal sleeping stuff (boo hissss)

Babydust to all
:( think ill try the old school warm milk tonight. I keep on waking up at 2am starving hungry even though I'm eating dinner.

The voice of experience lol.....I woke up at 3am every morning throughout my whole pregnancy and when Albert was newborn he would wake up for a feed bang on 3am. There's nothing you can do about it I'm afraid and certainly do not ever take any sleeping aids ie tablets when pregnant. It does at least get you used to waking up when the baby does but that's no comfort when your eyeballs are falling out lol
I've not been sleeping great (and sorry to tell you for me it did carry on into Tri 2)

In the beginning it was down to nerves, then it was down to excitement and now it's down to having trouble getting comfy and staying off my back.

I still get about 6-7 hours so I am lucky but they are not continious!

I try to rest a lot, so I read in bed or lay down to watch TV under a blanket on the sofa

Sleep....what's that? Thinking its our body getting used to feeding times lol! Xxxx
I haven't been sleeping great either and I have tried just about everything that used to work..reading,music,radio,the news,baking and even having a bath!.. Any other thoughts are most welcome pleeeease xxxxxxx
For me a catheter and a knock to the head would have been a big help. Sadly it's just something you get used to. Xx

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