Sleeping on side


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Not really sure if I'm posting this in the right bit so I apologize if its not!
I have read certain things about it not being safe for babies to lie on their side. Whenever we put Amber down to sleep we lie her on her back with her feet at the bottom of her moses basket, but after a few minutes she turns over onto her side and stays like that for the rest of the time she is asleep. She seems fine and looks comfortable but just wondering if its safe? Should I be turning her onto her back again?
Jacob used to do this sometimes to and it used to worry me! It is recommended that babies do sleep on their back but when I used to put Jacob on his back he used to wake up so in the end I just left him. Do you have a sensor pad monitor? I used one of these I it helped relax a bit knowing the alarm would go off if anything happened, I still use it now :)
I forget how old your LO is and your ticker image is not showing up atm.

TBH if she is able to turn herself to her side then I'd leave her. Just make sure her arm is in the correct position to stop her going forward and over. If she is in a sleeping bag then I'd not worry about foot to feet either. They don't need to.

We used to put Galen on his side to sleep and he was fine. At a certain age he seemed to grow out of liking that position and is on his back now. Once he was in his cot iirc around 6 weeks. But the early weeks he preferred his side.

Also you could always wait till she is deep asleep and gently move her back onto her back.

FWIW if she is a newborn they often like to be curled up in a more fetal like position rather than lying sprawled out. Might explain her liking her side as its more comforting to her atm. I am sure as the weeks pass she'll change how she sleeps.

If you are really worried then keep putting her on to her back. Its is advised to be the safest position for a small baby. But some babies never take to it, others take a while to make the adjustment. They've spent 9 months all cosied up and suddenly are expected to lie flat on their backs. Goes against everything they know.
Esme rolls on her side too,this takes effort as she is swaddled so she must like it!

As long as they can roll back onto their backs its fine.
Connie slept on her side for her first 2 weeks. I was surprised that a newborn could push herself over. She stopped doing it at 3 weeks and slept on her back from then.
Angel has pretty much slept on her side since birth. Sometimes i'd get screamed at for putting her on her back so i'd roll her. She's slept on her side ever since! I always had her under arm stretched out so she couldn't really roll forward. Now i don't bother as she can roll over anyway.
If she's comfortable then leave her. They find what is comfortable for them.
Both mine have always loved sleeping on their sides and it's not caused them any problems that I'm aware of, I'd mention it to your HV if you're concerned and she'll be able to give you any information, if you feel you want that for extra reasurence. Very best wishes :hug:

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