sleeping on front


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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hi, my little boy has started sleeping on his front even though always put him down on his back. he is able to roll over onto his back and front so is quite mobile. is this safe, any advise?
Everything I have read says that if they are able to roll onto their fronts then they are safe to sleep on their fronts. Strangley Ellie is able to roll over but doesn't like to (not complaining).
I don't think you can do much about it once a child can roll over as they will decide how they want to sleep. I think that your son will be fine as he can lift his head if he wants to.
Leorah hads slept on her front since being 6 weeks but this morning she had rolled to her side. I also read the risks are very low when they decide for themselves to sleep on their front.

Nicky, Leorah has also rolled both ways but hates it! I was worried but I guess its still early days and she may start enjoying it later but I did read that some babies never like it and this is fine as long as they can sit up well and she's getting better at that all the time.
Ditto what the others have said.

The advice that I've read is that once they are able to roll onto their fronts it's OK to leave them like that as they should be able to roll back over onto their backs.

Still put baby down on their back to go to sleep but let them find their own comfortable position after that.

My son sleeps in all kinds of positions now that he's a bit older.
thanks, just worry about everything at min, maybe pegnancy hormones??
If it makes you feel any better my daughter only slept on her front. SHe wouldn't sleep any other way. SOme doctors seem to say that if they are strong enough to roll over you shouldn't worry...

If you really worry (which I did) you may buy a "babysense II". It's the best breathing monitor out there and will give you peace of mind. I used it until a month ago and NEVER had a false alarm. It does work though cause we forgot a few times to unplug it and it rung the whole town probably woke up!

Good luck

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