Sleeping on Belly


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
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Is there any way I can stop LO doing this he has done this last night. Woke up this morning thinking why is he so quiet went in and he is on his front ... :S
Once babys can roll over its fine for them to tummy sleep. You can't stop them if they're determined :D

My little man would NEVER settle on his back lol he was always on his front! Like Shadowolf said once they can do it you have no chance otherwise you'll be in there every two mins lol

Jasper always slept on his front, if they have a bit of reflux it is much more comfy for them. He was always in the bed next to us, then he was old enough to roll over himself which is absolutely fine for front sleeping :)
good to know, just worried as he sleeps on a pillow so will have to take it out now don't want him to suffocate x
my lo is a tummy sleeper, has been from the age of 6 or 7months ish! as long as ut lo can roll, theres no need to worry!
yes we have a tummy sleeper here too (bum sticking in air!!) maybe take out the pillow then you can let him get on with it
Sophia does that now, with bum in the air!! When I move her to the middle of the cot (she's such a wriggler she's always ending up down one end off the sensor pad) she always rolls straight onto her tummy!
he is a tinker I put him down for his nap before and he ended up getting comfy on his side after I positioned him was on his hands and knees moaning till I came in and gave him peter rabbit x

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