Olivia wakes up about 6am for a feed, most times she goes straight back to sleep after her bottle, but if she doesn't i sometimes put her in bed with me but it doesn't really pay off because i dont sleep properly when she is in bed with us!
When she was about 3 month she went through a phase of not settleing after a feed in the night, so i put her in bed with me and once she was asleep again i put her back in her cot so she would wake up in there!
It's so easy to move them in your own bed when they wont settle and you so tired!
Brooke went through a phase of it when she was about 3 so i would put her in my bed with me, she got used to it and right up untill the early stages of my pregnancy she would come into my room in the night so i started to get in bed with her and she stopped just like that!
I do think you have to be careful with co sleeping once they get older!