At what age would you expect your LO to sleep through the Nite? Last week porscia was waking up every 3 hrs..thisweek she is going 6-7 hr in the niite without a feed??? is this may be just a growth spurt she's having?
Some babies sleep through from 6 weeks and others may take longer, even up to a year to sleep through propley.
mine all slept through from 5-6 weeks old
melissa slept thru the nite from 3 or 4 weeks but stopped at 4 months and got really really bad- up every hour sometimes every half hour at one point- but she's finally improving now since her first tooth cut- shes nearly 9 months so i had nearly 5 months of sleep deprivation!
Mason slept through at about 8 weeks, Brody was waking till 9 months! He was waking every hour at one point!
I breastfed them both, both in a crib next to the bed, just the same but sooo different!
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