

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2011
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not that i know what is just lately, alfie has been doing really well with sleepin having last feed at round 7.30 then sleeping til 3-4 feeding and going back down til bout 6.30/7 however that last two nights have been a nightmare!!

wed nite i blamed it on MIL as she spoilt his routine when feeding him which i posted about so blamed the night time on that however last night i thought we would be back to normal he had his last bottle at 8 and took 8oz instead of 6oz so thought i was in for a good night!! how wrong could i be :wall2:first he woke at 12, then 3 then 4.30 he went back down at 5.30 then was up at 6 and each time he was starving!! im so tired its unreal, OH is at work and i cant nap in the day as i got other 2 at home coz school holidays

any tips to help get my sleep on track will be appreciated coz i feel like screaming xx
sounds like the 4 week growth spurt has hit lol. should be ok but it lasts a few days
we had that last week in the day were he screamed all day for food which i gave him in a 12 hrs stint he had over 30oz of milk

he is just so greedy its unreal he feeds every 3hrs in the day most days!! 5 to 6oz in each bottle and were on hungrier baby too, i just need sleep even if jsut one full night i will be happy with that xxxxx
that sounds pretty normal for that age to be honest.... he wont be in a continuing night time routine just yet i remember one night being good then bad then good then bad etc

i cant offer any advice as i struggled big time! just sending you a hug xxx

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