well madam has decidd to get up early 2 nights on the trot..
she isnt upset, she has her feed then thinks thats it for the night and thats its time to play...
normally she'd sleep 8-9 on average...
yesterday it was 8-2
last night it was 9-3...
whats wrong?
she isnt upset, she has her feed then jus refuses to go bk to sleep..
i dunno what to do.. im exhausted
she isnt upset, she has her feed then thinks thats it for the night and thats its time to play...
normally she'd sleep 8-9 on average...
yesterday it was 8-2
last night it was 9-3...
whats wrong?
she isnt upset, she has her feed then jus refuses to go bk to sleep..
i dunno what to do.. im exhausted