Sleep advice urgently needed....


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2014
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My lo is nearly 5 months and in December started sleeping through (about 8 hours) which was brilliant and I finally started getting some sleep, however for the past 2 weeks it's been like having a new born again and he's waking up roughly every hour and a half. I'm breast feeding and when he wakes up he wants feeding but literally has 5 sucks then he's asleep. He has had a cold and cough which he is still getting over so could this be the reason?
I'm absolutely shattered so any advice to help me get him to sleep for longer periods would be great. Thanks x
Hi tinker bell, it sounds like your lo has hit the sleep regression whic comes about 4/5 months old. As far as I know there is little you can do and it just passes but you could try changing your bedtime routine see if that works?
They go through so many different sleep patterns its un real! Ive had a good sleeper and terrible sleeper and in between!
We are in between right now!..

Illness messes with sleep soooo much! It often takes a week or 2 after their better to get back to normal. Then something else changes a week later again. It passes, and babies change their routine so often!

My boy used to go to bed at 6, wake at 12, 3 then up at 6.
Then bed at 6 wake at 3 up at 7
Then bed at 6 wake at 12 ,1,3,5,6
Now!.. we at finally at bed at 8, wake at 4 up at 6/7.

Hang in there! xxx
I feel your pain hun, my daughter is doing exactly the same, she's 16 weeks on Monday. She was doing really well with her sleep and I was getting a good 6-8 hours a night, but now I'm lucky if I get a 2 hour block! Annabelle is also breastfeed and loves to be snuggled up on my boob for comfort, she also uses me as a dummy as she refuses point blank to have an actual dummy anywhere near her! Last night she did 10-30pm-2.30am but after that was up pretty much every hour and was only asleep if she was on me. In the end my OH took her downstairs at 5am for an hour and paced the floor just to give me an hours sleep (I've had about 6 hours in the last 2 nights). I've come to the conclusion its the 4 month sleep regression, a leap and she's teething, so basically I'm screwed for the next couple of weeks! Like Mackmummy says it is a case of riding it out, but I do plan to try and be stricter with daytime naps as I think she is also overtired by bedtime xxx
Yep exactly the same here too, seems like a common problem at this age but unfortunately not one anyone seems to have a solution too! My lo is nearly 20 weeks and for the last few weeks her sleep has been getting progressively worse. She's also harder to settle in the night, she'll fall asleep on me no problem but wake up when I try and put her back in the cot. Sometimes it takes me 2-3 attempts meaning I'm up for an hour or two at a time! Let's hope it passes soon! X
Sounds like sleep regression. Hold tight, it will pass.

Our little fella is 10 months now and his 4/5 month regression was awful but it did get better. There really isn't much you can do but go with it x
Thank you everyone (sorry for slow reply) lo still not sleeping very well but hopefully will get better soon x
My DD was the same at that age, HV said if she was just having a short feed to try her with a little water before offering a breastfeed. It seemed to work for her as it wasn't worth her waking for water so she stopped! Maybe worth a try! Xx

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