

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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When did your child sit up on there own?

im hoping Coby will show signs of doing it soon.

I had one of those galt rings to put her in and it seemed to help and give her confidence.
He will be doing it before you know it.
I was thinking this today, Amy was 6 months.

I sat Jack up today and he sat un aided for about 10 secs, then he leant to get a toys and tumbled sideways :roll: It's a start though.

He'll be doing it soon hun :wink:
Seren can sit unaided for a bit but then wobbles, some days she is better then others. She started at around 5 months.

Blimey Sarah that was young, at that age Seren still needed a lot of support to sit up, we were only just putting her in the buggy sitting up.
eva can for like a second then goes after her toes and falls forwards :D
kacy has been better sitting on her own unaided in the last couple of weeks, nearly their though, had her sat up today quiet alot
Aimees like 28 weeks now and she still can't do it. She just won't keep still long enough.
my little boy was just over or around 6 months old when he started to sit up.
Sarah, are you sure hun???

you posted this on Tue Mar 07, 2006

Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
OH MY GOD braydon can sit un aided the longest he has done it for is like 3 mins :) my lil boy is getting to big

so going by those dates and that he is 8 months and 3 weeks old now, i make it that he was 5 months when he sat un aided??

god im quite suprised how early they are all sitting at. I was told Aimee was really early sitting by the HV and other mum's etc.
I have voted 6 months which she isnt quite that old yet but she could sit with support from about 4 1/2 months and can sit for a bit now on her own but she will topple over eventually so couldnt leave her.
Think Jamie was 6 months even then he was still a bit wobbley!!!
Kaiden first sat up alone at 13 weeks, my MIL didnt believe me so i took some pics of him, hes gradually been able to sit up for longer, he can walk too since 19wks if you hold his hands, but hes done alot quite early i suppose all babys are different, my neice cara is almost 8 months and she sat up for the 1st time the other day, and she wont attempt to stand at all, as yet, funny how they are so different XKelX
zack was so lazy. He wouldnt even hold his bottle and when he started walking :roll: dont get me started. Hope baby number 2 is less lazy.
Coby showed little signs that hes ready today.

hopefuly in the next month he will attempt it


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