Sick, sick and more sick


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2014
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So I have a very sicky baby. It's not projectile but just sort of keeps flowing back out his mouth. He bring some back after every feed, spme times it's a lot and sometimes just a bit. A few times a day he'll be properly acidly sick.
We've tried his on gaviscon but everytime he's had this it causes him to empty his entire stomach contents immediately so clearly not helping.
We are keeping him upright after every feed and his bed is raised but how else can I help?
He's gaining weight so not going hungry but it's making breastfeeding diffocult as il feed him, then he's sick and if it's a lot he'll want feeding again near enough straight away but then I worry that he's being sick because he's having too mich? Is that even possible with a breastfed baby?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Could he be eating too fast?

You could try interrupting the feed to slow him down, or expressing and using a bottle with a slow flow teat?
I have a very sicky baby too (and she is 4 months now). She is exclusively breastfed - bar a week when I was expressing at the start.

GP told me at her 8 week check that breastfed babies being a bit sick after every feed is normal as they always overfeed. Sometimes it was / is a little bit after a feed but other times its lots and other times its that 'cottage cheese' sick. Occasionally it's projectile!!

It's been a constant source of stress but as she got older she didnt show other signs of colic / reflux so I have never given her anything. We did give a bit of infacol in early days and tried Gripe Water when she was over a month but that was more for wind than anything else.

We've seen a few GP's and the HV about her sickness and one GP told me that breastfed babies don't get acid reflux!!! Not that I thought it was that anyway.

Basically I've been told by several different professionals at several different times I just have a sicky baby and I've finally accepted it.

James was hardly ever sick so this was very new to me. Bibs and muslin cloths have been my saviour.

I would personally get a second opinion from a GP or HV though.

Not sure what to suggest with a bf baby I'm afraid cos my youngest has been sicking up a lot and we changed his formula to the reflux milk which has pretty much stopped it.

I do the whole feeding him as upright as possible, keeping him upright against my chest after a feed for about half an hour before daring to lay him flat and also have his crib on an incline.

My eldest had really bad silent reflux and he was a very sucky baby. Apparently it's quite common cos the sick and stomach acid can hurt their throats and it gives them comfort. It could be if your LO is looking for boob again after being sick he wants the comfort rather than feeding? Not sure what to suggest for this other than a dummy though.
Look into cows milk protein allergy, can effect a breastfed baby too. May be worth just cutting out all dairy and soya out of your diet for 2 weeks (can take this long to leave yours and babys system) and see how that goes =) Talk to you HV concerning reflux. They don't recommend changing babies onto 'reflux milk' 'hungry baby milk' to me they look like they've just shoved a load of cornflour in them haha x
I second the milk allergy thing. Might be worth a try. Cos my "sicky" baby isn't any more xxx
Push your GP for pead referral - sounds like renitidine or omeprazole needed

I've been on the journey your on - it took me 4 months

Get hit HV on board - so some research on reflux in infants and join living with reflux charity on FB - loads of
Parents with kids with reflux and of course don't fully rule out CMPA or allergies but approach reflux first

I moved from Breast to bottle at 8 weeks and used reflux milk which helped before the peads and GP prescribed omeprazole - havbt looked back since - though he's 15 months - if they say they outgrow it when weaning or when they are 1 - ignore them
Look into cows milk protein allergy, can effect a breastfed baby too. May be worth just cutting out all dairy and soya out of your diet for 2 weeks (can take this long to leave yours and babys system) and see how that goes =) Talk to you HV concerning reflux. They don't recommend changing babies onto 'reflux milk' 'hungry baby milk' to me they look like they've just shoved a load of cornflour in them haha x

Worked for us and hundreds of 100s of other babies with reflux - inteuiged to hear your experiences of reflux in Young babies
Also he's feeding to sooth his sore throat from the acid that's burning his osophigus - he needs anti acids it sounds - x
Look into cows milk protein allergy, can effect a breastfed baby too. May be worth just cutting out all dairy and soya out of your diet for 2 weeks (can take this long to leave yours and babys system) and see how that goes =) Talk to you HV concerning reflux. They don't recommend changing babies onto 'reflux milk' 'hungry baby milk' to me they look like they've just shoved a load of cornflour in them haha x

Your HV might not have recommended the reflux milk, but mine did. As did my GP.

Not that I'd recommend moving a breastfed baby onto formula to resolve the issue anyway.
Thanks all for replying. Given me a lot to think about . Il try the gaviscon again and perhaps start looking at my diet if things don't improve. I think il try the dummy again incase he's just wanting to comfort suck but this is is causing him to have too much.
Look into cows milk protein allergy, can effect a breastfed baby too. May be worth just cutting out all dairy and soya out of your diet for 2 weeks (can take this long to leave yours and babys system) and see how that goes =) Talk to you HV concerning reflux. They don't recommend changing babies onto 'reflux milk' 'hungry baby milk' to me they look like they've just shoved a load of cornflour in them haha x

Your HV might not have recommended the reflux milk, but mine did. As did my GP.

Not that I'd recommend moving a breastfed baby onto formula to resolve the issue anyway.

I did -no amount of diet change, positions etc would stop the sick and acid! I moved to expressing in the hope that may help but didn't. It was just to thin for him. The only thing I wish j would have known about is a product called carobel - it's a milk thickener and should I have Known about it I could of continued to express and add carobel to help sickness.

Or if the peads would have pulled their finger out and prescribed something sooner if have continued to breast feed.

Best thing I did for me and him was move from BFP to bottle. One upset baby turned into a happy content baby and In turn he slept better, I slept better, hardly any sick - and that's whag is the most importent - not the method of feeding :)
My lo was the same and I switched his milk to anti reflux and it's stopped xx
Another one on anti reflux milk here, at my GP's suggestion having tried gaviscon and ranitidine first. Good luck.
I'm breastfeeding though, people have actually been advised to switch to formula milk to help with sickness? It seems crazy they'd be this sick on breast milk that's created especially for them? But switching to formula when he's doing so well with everything else is a bit extreme.
I'd see your GP. They will be able to assess whether it is just sickiness or reflux and will be able to give you something like ranitidine to try reducing the stomach acid if needed. You can give this and breast feed.
To those mummies that have been diagnosed reflux / milk allergy... what other symptoms along with the sickness has baby shown?

It is possible to have a sicky baby with no actual cause, but I'd see your GP / HV to rule out anything untoward.

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For us:
-throwing up constantly, not just after meals
-throwing up clear smelly liquid (acid)
-wanting to be held upright
-gargling acid/coughing when lying down
-slow weight gain
-bringing his knees to his chest in pain
-bobbing on and off the bottle and rarely finishing feeds which then escalated to flinging himself away from the bottle and screaming after just a small amount of milk to take the edge off the hunger
There was probably more but that's what springs to mind right now!
For us:
-throwing up constantly, not just after meals
-throwing up clear smelly liquid (acid)
-wanting to be held upright
-gargling acid/coughing when lying down
-slow weight gain
-bringing his knees to his chest in pain
-bobbing on and off the bottle and rarely finishing feeds which then escalated to flinging himself away from the bottle and screaming after just a small amount of milk to take the edge off the hunger
There was probably more but that's what springs to mind right now!

All of these but my son dropped 2 centiles in 2 weeks, he would comfort Feed to sooth his throat and burping was painful , urm.... Probs more
Hi my experience has been exactly the same as buzz to the extent that my lg would barely take any feeds so we were advised to go to a&e. Saw a paediatric doctor who also asked how frequently she was having a poo when being breastfed fed and I said every nappy change which was done at each feed. This I was told was not normal on breast milk and hence prescribed nutramigen formula and my gp then prescribed ranitidine for reducing the stomach acid the combination made such a difference so quickly. She still has some days where she's more sicky but generally a 100% better :-)

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