Sick of advice and comments? RANT


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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Some people really do my head in - i bought some donuts for my department and offered one to my manager, who is male, and said 'thanks, ohh should you really be buying those, your not eating for two you know' and not in a jokey way either f***ing tw*t, is it pregnancy or does it jsut make you more sensitive. All the 'ohh you've changed' errr yes I have! I've spent the past 6 months hibernating trying for a baby and now im pregnant i dont fancy going out clubbing sober, oh and if you didnt notice im hardly at work coz im so effing sick all the time, knob heads.

ahh that's better, I know you ladies will understand.

What's the most annoying thing been sed to you since you became pregnant that you jsut wanted to rip that person's tongue out and shove it up thier arse?
awwww hun

sam08 said:
What's the most annoying thing been sed to you since you became pregnant that you jsut wanted to rip that person's tongue out and shove it up thier arse?

i get 'well you dont look that pregnant' or 'are you sure youre that far gone?' all of the flipping time, im like, well i am! im hardly going to make it up! perhaps i imagined the morning sickness , tiredness, and the midwifes completely messed up my dates ?

i swear everyones just waiting for me to get fat :wall:
Aahhh, but didnt you realise that when you are pregnant, people are allowed to say what they like to you about things that dont concern them. And when you have a bump you then become public property.

I love the ones that say as you waddle up the street, size of a house, 'have you not had the baby yet' To which you reply &8??%$£"*&^ *&&^^%%%.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
lauramumof2 said:
I love the ones that say as you waddle up the street, size of a house, 'have you not had the baby yet' To which you reply &8??%$£"*&^ *&&^^%%%.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
lmao! thats like when i used to work long shifts in a super market, i'd serve someone on thier lunch break, then again when they popped in after work, and theyd say 'still here are you?' to which i'd reply 'no i went home an hour ago' bloody idiots
I'm glad I am not the only one getting a bit 'annoyed' at people's comments..... I think the ones that annoy me most are the hypicritical ones.... for example(s)

Don't read any of the books - they're rubbish followed days later by - do the books say you can do that?
Don't listen to advice - surely this is advice and then when the same person pops up only days later with 'advice on what you should(n't) be doing.....

I don't like people telling me how/what to eat - I'll eat what I want! My baby & my body!

And why do women who have had babies (and not necesaryily recently) who tell you each pregnancy is different insist on telling you what you can/can't do?

OMG thanks for the rant ladies - like I said I thought it was just me with friends like this!!
" I KNEW IT!" - Drives me crazy when telling people. I began to wonder if it was because I was SO bloated that I looked pregnant! :shock: I actually asked someone why they thought that and they said that I had been going to the toilet a lot during bonfire night. WTF??? Would they comment on the bowel movements of someone who wasn't at 'childbearing age'?? How sad is that - watching me pee??? :shakehead: :shakehead:

"Well, . . they never had books about when I had kids and they are fine!" (Debatable but a whole other subject.) I've taken to pointing out that if they did have books and the internet available when they were having kids they would have used it!

Thinking I might knock a stranger out if they reach for my tummy. My book :lol: says to touch their tummy back and see how they like it! MIL has done once so far and I haven't even got a bump - just trapped wind! :oops: (Sorry TMI!) :(

Thanks for the rant - v.early days but I already have plenty of ammo! :lol:
Mama 2 Be said:
" I KNEW IT!" - Drives me crazy when telling people. I began to wonder if it was because I was SO bloated that I looked pregnant! :shock: I actually asked someone why they thought that and they said that I had been going to the toilet a lot during bonfire night. WTF??? Would they comment on the bowel movements of someone who wasn't at 'childbearing age'?? How sad is that - watching me pee??? :shakehead: :shakehead:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: How ridiculous!

I've arranged to go out with my friend on Friday and I said I'd meet her at 7pm... she said to me 'Oh that's early for you, I s'pose know you're pregnant you don't need to take so long getting ready so we can go out a bit earlier!' That really peed me off!!
What, so just coz I'm pregnant, that means I'm not gonna make an effort to make myself look nice when I go out?! I actually just wanted to go out a bit earlier as the place where we are going has got a christmas party thing in there and the place will be rammed so I thought if we went earlier we might actually get a seat, rather than me having to stand on my feet all night! :roll:
krissie23 said:
Mama 2 Be said:
" I KNEW IT!" - Drives me crazy when telling people. I began to wonder if it was because I was SO bloated that I looked pregnant! :shock: I actually asked someone why they thought that and they said that I had been going to the toilet a lot during bonfire night. WTF??? Would they comment on the bowel movements of someone who wasn't at 'childbearing age'?? How sad is that - watching me pee??? :shakehead: :shakehead:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: How ridiculous!

I've arranged to go out with my friend on Friday and I said I'd meet her at 7pm... she said to me 'Oh that's early for you, I s'pose know you're pregnant you don't need to take so long getting ready so we can go out a bit earlier!' That really peed me off!!
What, so just coz I'm pregnant, that means I'm not gonna make an effort to make myself look nice when I go out?! I actually just wanted to go out a bit earlier as the place where we are going has got a christmas party thing in there and the place will be rammed so I thought if we went earlier we might actually get a seat, rather than me having to stand on my feet all night! :roll:

What a stupid thing to say to someone!! Its as if your not going to look any better no matter what you do so you won't bother :wall: Some ppl I dunno... :roll:
I remember making a similar post to this when I was at the stage of telling people. They seemed quite happy for me until they asked when baby was due and I said 28th December. Suddenly, it was as though I'd said the end of the world was nigh and they all said how sorry they were for me and how awful it was for the baby. I got so upset about it I burst into floods of tears at one midwife appointment thinking I'd ruined my baby's life by happening to fall pregnant at the end of March. :roll: :doh:

One week, when I was about 25/6 weeks pregnant, my colleague who sat next to me said I was huge and looked ready to drop. However a few days a later I was having a meeting and maternity leave came up (as one of my projects goes on well past due date so I would have to hand it over) and this man that I work with every day hadn't even realised I was pregnant! :rotfl: People just seem to like to have something to say, even if it isn't helpful or the least bit relevant! :roll:

People should bloody well keep their mouths shut - especially when you have raging hormones and can burst into tears just because the cat looked at you in a funny way (or was that just me?!)
This thread is so funny all the comments you are saying are so so true!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Like I could have typed them all myself :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I think the most annoying comment I've had so far has been from my OH. Apparently pregnancy is "not an illness"...hmmm, well it sure feels like it when you lie in bed for 3 weeks, can't eat hardly anything and puke up everything you do manage to eat! Yeah that was the most fun 3 weeks of my life lol! :wink: According to my OH I should have been out of bed whizzing round the flat with the hoover and polishing everything!

Men eh? LOL xxx
Hahahaha I love it!!

My OH calls me fatty now and his 17 yr old brother went crazy at him when he heard him say it, I was laughing so much.

I dont mind people touching my bump tho must admit, when i was out the other night a guy came up and just hugged it, i thought it was funny.

altho soooooooo many people are like OH MY GOD UR TINY!! that annoys me!! Im like actually no im not. Im normal so FECK OFF lol. Just cause the girl i work with is a week ahead and a lot bigger im "tiny" - maybe shes big?? Im sure shes probably had the OH MY ur huge!! poor girl.

today im not well, got a sore throad etc and someone said to me ' bless you, and you cant take anything can you' i said ' well i am taking paracetamol as that's safe' they said , 'oh no, when i was pregnant i never touched anything, i think its better to suffer than to put anything like that inside you when you have a baby' this is such a lovely lady normally but what an insult, i didnt realyl know what to say, it's not like im trying to harm my baby FFS! Paracetamol is safe and every midwife will tell you so! I had my first touch of the bump this week as well! LOL OMG, im 4 months, there's not much there, but they wanted a feel to see if it was hard, I didnt mind TBH as it was someone i knew quite well but it was kinda strange.

My mate (male) reconed my boobs hadnt grown and im convinced they have so i was like go on then have a feel, they are bigger i swear! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Needless to say he didnt touch them! :rotfl: :rotfl: He is so funny, he thinks im sick in the head that i couldn even think of having sex while pregnant, i know that's a whole other thread but that gets me going mad as well! Saying that he recokons that anyone over 50 isnt allowed to have sex either! :rotfl:

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