Should you do BD every day when ovulating?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Ok, silly question but bear with me! When your ovulating, should you be having sex every day. My reasoning behind this is, will you get all full up with old baby batter and the new stuff cant get through? I hope that makes sense. LOL. Like, should you wait to let the old stuff disperse or just keep putting more and more up there? That sounds so graphic and yuk - my apologies! :oops:

Alice x
Hi Alice,

I read that if your partners sperm count is fine, you should BD every day during ovulation and if it is low, you should BD every other day.

I found out I was pregnant two weeks ago and we BD every day during ovulation and the day after it finished just to make sure!! Sperm lives up to 5 days so it is fine to keep adding more to increase your chances!!!! It worked for me anyway!

Good luck! Let us know how you get on!
Thats great advice - thanks for that. And big congrats on your bfp! Hope everything goes well for you xxx

Just to add the first message, after intercourse if one stands up, does this decrease the chance of the sperm reaching their destination? I know some say remain lying down for a while. How long does it take for the sperm to enter the cervix? :? :oops: :?
Definately remain flat after sex because standing up defies gravity and your swimmers will have a harder job swimming upwards!! Pop a cushion under your bum after sex to tilt the pelvis to help them more and dont get up for a good hour or so, leave it overnight if you can, gross but worth it!!
i agree with above advice, r.e sperm count although not knowing what my partners sperm count is like we are bding every other day as i don't think either of us could manage everyday - i hope its enough :pray:

sperm can live for a maximum of 5 days in fertile fluid but can die in a few hours if you are dry or have dry cm at that time.

good luck :D
You are the wealth of all knowledge rusks!!!!! :lol:

msn me later!!!
The month we started TTC Ella we BD every day, approx twice a day, for 2 weeks. I ended up with a UTI and a BFP :D :D :D
CRIKEY :shock:

twice a day i ain't that commited :lol:
Hell if I was going to have to BD that much to have a baby I thought that I might aswell try doing it all at once. Haven't had it that much in total since.

Actually scrap that, I did make DH DTD when I was trying to get Ella to come on time. Worked though, even though she did come 3 days early on Boxing Day. Whoops!!

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