My lb has tripled his birth weight and he is just coming up to 7months. Maybe I should step away from google but everything I've read says double by 6 months, triple by 1 year!
He was steady on the 25th centile until 4 months and he is now on the 75th! He weighed 6lb 7ozs at birth, never lost any weight and now at 30 weeks weighs 19lb 5ozs!!! Everyone always comments on him being a big baby and I have definitely noticed him getting heavier and bigger but I wouldn't say he looks fat, everyone just says babies are like that.
Weaning is blowing my mind with regards to how much formula and solids I should be giving so I guess maybe I'm worried I'm over feeding.
Any thoughts much appreciated. Thank you
He was steady on the 25th centile until 4 months and he is now on the 75th! He weighed 6lb 7ozs at birth, never lost any weight and now at 30 weeks weighs 19lb 5ozs!!! Everyone always comments on him being a big baby and I have definitely noticed him getting heavier and bigger but I wouldn't say he looks fat, everyone just says babies are like that.
Weaning is blowing my mind with regards to how much formula and solids I should be giving so I guess maybe I'm worried I'm over feeding.
Any thoughts much appreciated. Thank you