should i tell my employer now?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
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i know i am very early pregnant- not sure about telling work....i kind of know i should as i have to work nights and be around xrays and anaesthetics, but just a bit worried as my last period was only 9th august

iv booked a docs appt should i discuss it with him first? i can ensure im safe as i will avoid doing anything hazardous, but not sure what to do

never expected firstly to get pregnancy first month ttc (tho over the moon) and secondly never thought id find out until i was about 8weeks as i have long cycles!
not yet, wait a little while.

I have told my boss because I need time off for appointments and she gets a bit funny about it but I have sworn her to secrecy- I don't want everyone at work knowing just yet.

Its nice to have your own little secret! x
I told mine this week because I have had two miscarriages and had to have time off, I would feel guilty if it happened again and I hadn't told her in advance. She was so lovely about it.

My boss was a bit funny about my appointments, she didn't know what they were for but I got the time off. Luckily, in the last week I have a new boss and she is great. My other boss had a miscarriage herself and is not really what I would say coping, she is very mean about people with healthy babies and i think she will be very jealous and resentful rather than happy for me...a tough one aye but at least she is not my direct boss now....
hmmm, i will have a think about it, i will have to do appts in my own time i know that, its just i have to work 24hour shifts and thats the only thing i cant get out of, at least unless iv mentioned it- not sure they would change my working environment or not
i know i am very early pregnant- not sure about telling work....i kind of know i should as i have to work nights and be around xrays and anaesthetics, but just a bit worried as my last period was only 9th august

iv booked a docs appt should i discuss it with him first? i can ensure im safe as i will avoid doing anything hazardous, but not sure what to do

never expected firstly to get pregnancy first month ttc (tho over the moon) and secondly never thought id find out until i was about 8weeks as i have long cycles!
not yet, wait a little while.

I have told my boss because I need time off for appointments and she gets a bit funny about it but I have sworn her to secrecy- I don't want everyone at work knowing just yet.

Its nice to have your own little secret! x
I told mine this week because I have had two miscarriages and had to have time off, I would feel guilty if it happened again and I hadn't told her in advance. She was so lovely about it.

My boss was a bit funny about my appointments, she didn't know what they were for but I got the time off. Luckily, in the last week I have a new boss and she is great. My other boss had a miscarriage herself and is not really what I would say coping, she is very mean about people with healthy babies and i think she will be very jealous and resentful rather than happy for me...a tough one aye but at least she is not my direct boss now....
hmmm, i will have a think about it, i will have to do appts in my own time i know that, its just i have to work 24hour shifts and thats the only thing i cant get out of, at least unless iv mentioned it- not sure they would change my working environment or not
I told my employer around 8 weeks but that's because I work in a school and kids have horrid things. Also they were planning school trips etc that prob weren't the best of things for me to go on as well as having the time off for scans and midwife appointments (as she's only in the surgery on a Friday until 3.15!) It probably depends on what your work entails and any risk to you.
can I just ask how your ticker says 1 week pregnant? did you go from last lmp or ovulation?
hehehhe, iv messed up the ticker i need to change it, from my period im about 4weeks, not sure how it came out at 1week tho!!

the only thing im worried about is the night shifts- i already get stressed doing them and am hoping i wont have to!
I told my boss the morning I found out, I was about 6 weeks then. I told every one else after my 12 week scan, just to be on the safe side :) if your work is dangerous then let someone know as soon as you can so they can do a risk assessment for you to make sure you and the baby are safe.
thanks for ur comments

i rang H&S and they said i should say now...feel like im maybe saying it a bit premature, but think ill tell someone tonight otherwise they cant help me if they dont know!
I told my boss when I was 5 weeks :oops: but I'm glad I did as he was nice about it, he was worried I wasn't going to come back though LOL
If you're going to be around xrays and stuff I'd tell them now so you can be kept out of harms way. I haven't told my work yet, but only cos I'm not doing anything which might endanger my pregnancy
thanx guys tolds one of them tonight x

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