should i take her to the docs?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2005
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ive just notticed colbys right eye is all bloodshot at the right side and on the bloodshot part is like a bit of sleep but i dont think its sleep. Last night she screamed for about 25 mins and i couldnt settle her i thought she had a sore tummy but i think she has scratched her eye and im a bit worried incase it gets infected

doesn anyone know what i should do?
its not swollen or anything lust really bloodshot with that wee tinny thing on it. Ive tried using clean water to flush it but its not taking that wee thing away thats whats making me think its not sleep :?

any suggestions would be great thanks girls
Hi hun sorry i've not replied sooner. I would giveNHS Direct a call and they might be able to advise you better. Hope she's oik.

0845 46 47 is their number x
if you go to the chemist they may be able to help
what a fat use NHS was they said just makesure she doesnt rub it and it will be ok :shock:

got OH to go to the chemist they gave me sterile water drops to help but her wee eye just keeps watering with them bless.

ive got this stupid HV comming on monday because she thinks colbys hair is all falling out but isnt that what there hair does? :think:

she only has one bauldy patch and i sure its normal

anyway thanks for the replys will let yous know if it gets any worse
weestar21 said:
ive got this stupid HV comming on monday because she thinks colbys hair is all falling out but isnt that what there hair does? :think:

she only has one bauldy patch and i sure its normal

she is coming round cos she thinks its not normal for a babies hair to fall out????

Is she from the right planet, most of babies hair falls out. Kacy has a ball Patch.

I hope cobly is feeling better
Colbys ok her hair is normal to me so im noteven going to stress over that however i took her to the pharmacy today as they drops made her eye all pussy, the pharmasist looked at her eye (made her scream) and told me to take her to teh opticians :? Got to see an optician who said there is nothing they can do as they arent a doctor or pharmasist so then sent me bk to the chemist. Who then said i will have to wait and see a gp on monday :x its like getting past from pillar to post with all these differnt people all iwanted to know if it was infected and would it cause any damage grrrrr

It doesnt seem to be bothering her today just a wee bit watery but still very red and bloodshot.

Hopefully i will get an appointment on monday but knowing my luck it will be a week on monday before she gets seen and by that time it would prob have cleared itself up

sorry for the moan again :oops:
thats stupid!!!! diors hair all fell out and she was totaly bold and only now gertting a bit of hair back H is the same his is falling out now...

silly HV
It could be a spot, zack had problems with his eye when he was born. I had to keep cleaning it. He couldnt open it sometimes when he woke up, so I had to clean it.

If your really worried I would take her to the doctors, it will put your mind at rest.
its definatly a scratch hun you can see the line its no bigger than her thumb nail and its just at the left hand side right next to her (gosh dont know if its called the iris (sp?) or but its the circle bit and the scratch is right on the white part if that makes sence) its a bit better today no gew from it so far but its still very red and bloodshot. This HV is comming tomoz maybe she will come up with something stupid like its her hair thats falling into her eye :shock: :roll:

will let yous know how it is in the morning if its still teh same i will ring the surgery

take care all

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