Should I go to hospital?


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2008
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Hey girlies

Im not feeling at all well, been very very lightheaded and had 2 episodes of vomiting, also i get starry vision when i close my eyes and re open them.
Nhs direct said its nothing to be concerned about, its prob a bug, i dont feel like i have a bug!!! :wall: :wall:

Advice plz ladys xxx
If your really concerned I would go to A&E........... However it is Friday night and you may have to wait a while. (I've just left and it was heaving!!)

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Kim x x x x x
I had that the other day and called the emergency MW.. she told me no need to panic.. and that as long as baby was moving as usual and I had no discharge or bleeding etc, then I just needed to keep myself and baby hydrated and sleep loads! I suggest sipping water and having a nice long sleep.. dont try to worry yourself too much.. there is a bug going around.. me and my son have had it TWICE this week :(

I hope you feel better by morning. If it goes on all day tomorrow after a nice sleep then call MW again and see what she says..

I'd like to suggest that you go to hospital but it's not good for you to be panicking.. best thing to do is rest-up and stay hydrated..

Hi hun

If it were me feeling like that, I would probably go just to be on the safe side as I'm a bit of a worry wart! Just to get checked over.

You know your body and if you're feeling 'normal' or not.. if you really feel bad I would pop down there.. although if you go to A&E you'll probably be in there for a while! Hope you feel better soon :hug: :hug:
Oh.. and I suggest keeping away from stairs.. I had the light-headedness like you and fell down stairs.. not nice.. now I have a back-ache which is making me feel sick.. hopefully I haven't damaged my back too much :cry:

Let us know how you're feeling by morning. Keep a bucket by the bed.. drink water.. lots of water :hug:
OK, this question may sound a bit blunt, but it is not meant in a nasty way.

If you do go to A&E late on a Friday night, what treatment are you hoping they can offer ? A&E is a horrid place to be at the best of times, and late a night when the sonography team and specialist consultants have gone home there is little that they can do unless you are in immediate danger. I hope that doesn't sound too harsh, its just that your own bed and a decent cuppa might be more restful for you right now than a loud uncomfortable ward.

I hope you feel better soon :)

hey! it prob is just a bug but its def best to play it on the safe side. If you are dizzy & have starry vision it could be something to do with your blood pressure. Do you have the no for the maternity hospital?? I've always been told to call them if I have an concerns. I don't think A&E would be much help but the labour ward will def be open & will give u advice. Even if you just call & speak to them they can put your mind at rest. I'm sure they won't mind, my MWs are lovely. I've phoned a few times because of bleeding.

Hope your ok :hug:
Hi Girlies,

Went to hospital, we have a different hospital in Liverpool for Pregnancy and IVF, so they HAVve their only emergancy section,So no need to go to normal hospitals any more. its always empty, was in and out in 20 minutes, got low blood pressure thats all x

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