Should i change doctors?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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I'v been going to the same doctors all my life now and i was wondering wether or not its time for me to change who i go too!

i went when i was about 12 with really bad sores on my feet and she said it was because im illergic to the glue in my shoes, it turned out it was actually athlets foot!!

I also had a diabetis (sp?) test and instead of putting the stick into my wee she tiped the wee on the floor!!

She also told my dad some really private info about me which made me question who else she tells!

Theres just so many things they mess up! It makes me angry :evil:

I wanted to change before i get my BFP because when im pregnant i dont want to have the hassle of changeing who i go too.

Does any one know how you change doctors and is it really complicated? or would this just be a really bad idea? I keep hearing about people being kicked out of doctors and not being able to find anywhere! Its always easy to get an apointment at my current doctors but there so useless!!
I'd change docs if I were you. When I moved, I went to the docs down the road to register with them and they gave me a number to phone up. Just go to a different surgery and tell them you want to change, they might just give you a phone number or they might be able to register you themselves. Anyway, your health information is private and confidential so your doc had no right what-so-ever to tell anyone (even your parents), I'd report her to the GMC too. Good luck :hug:
I know it's easy to change doctors if you move house but i'm not to sure if you can just change anyway. I know my mum wasn't allowed to change as they said she already has a GP. If anyone knows differnent I'll be glad to hear so i can let her know.
I changed from Dr to Dr, but still within the same practice. It was easy....I just asked the Practice Manager if I could change - I chose my new Dr, they had a meeting between old Dr, new Dr and Manager and decided it was ok. I think I might've been lucky that we don't have too many patients.... don't know how easy it is to change practice though.
it can be really hard to change within a practice, but you could try in writing and state the reasons that you have mentioned.

my step brothers doctor said that when he was limping it was due to a sprained ankle and gave him a support bandage and the fact that he was continously throwing up for 5 months was nothing to worry about and gave him the same tablets as what i had for morning sickness, just smelt of vanilla.

we hadnt seen my step brother for 5 months and when my mum saw him she took him back to the dr and was advised to go to A & E and just sit and wait. he was then seen and rushed to The London Hospital. turns out that he had a mega brain tumour, thus the limping and throwing up and he is now in a wheelchair and registered blind.

when my step dad wanted to change doctors they wouldnt let him and when he kicked up the fuss over my brother, they changed quick enough.

so my answer to you would just tell them you have no faith in your doctor and give the reasons.

good luck
At the doctors practice I had before, and the one I have now, I can see whoever I want to see, not just my own doctor.
i had similar probs with one of my old doctors before alex was born and i went round to the doctors a little further up the road n told them i thought he was incompetent and they gave me a form to fill in with my details nhs number n stuff and registered me for a medical there n then :D

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