Should I buy bottles and formula if planning on breastfeeding?


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2011
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I breastfed (for a while) with my son. That was nearly 10 years ago and if there was a problem they had those ready made bottles with the teets and everything. Now they're not available!

I don't particularly want bottles and formula in the house, but I'm thinking what if there's a problem in the hospital and he can't latch no matter what anyone tries?

Should I buy a couple just in case?

Or maybe just 1 bottle and 1 carton of pre-made formula, then if there's a problem that'll keep him going until someone can nip to the shop. And if there's no problem I don't have formula to fall back on.
There are so many shops open 24 hours where you could send someone to pick you up whatever you need at any time so I wouldn't bother if it's just to have in case you need it. I bought some for Sam just in case but they just sat in my cupboard until they went out of date :lol:
^^wss I spent a fortune on an avent steriliser and loadsa bottles and they're just sat in the cupboard as LO won't take a bottle anyway now lol!

I'll prob end up beating them or keeping them til she's older but at the mo theyre just doing my head in clogging up the kitchen cupboards lol

HTH xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
That should have said ebaying them not beating them lol! Dam predictive text!!!

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
My son had terrible trouble latching on and the hospital I was in provided cups of formula so we could do intermittent cup feeding while we were there. I had a friend buy some formula for when we got home, until my milk came in - which took 5 days for me - I already had a breast pump and some bottles because I'd always planned to express at some point anyways. I found the breast pump vital in getting my milk to come in because it took a week to get my son latching on properly - he was tongue-tied. xxxxx

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