Should I add in another middle name? People are annoying lol


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2012
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We've decided on our name of Scarlett Iris for our little girl for definite, but now I'm fed up of people saying the initials spell out SIG with our surname, iris is hubs gran who's not with us any longer. The only thing I'm now considering is to add in Esther as a tribute to my gran.

So its either Scarlett iris and just ignore peoples opinions or Scarlett Esther Iris.

Opinions? Thought we were finally sorted people are so annoying lol xx
Its not that bad an initials to have
CIG would be worse
I wouldnt add another
She'll only likely go by her first and last name anyway x
This made me smile for 2 maiden name began with Sig and my brother and I had Siggy as a nickname for years...he still does. :) I can honestly say it never bothered us.

Secondly my daughters initials spell out EKO which really bothered my husband as the local paper where we grew up was called "The Echo" it never bothered me and I stuck to my guns as her middle name is a family name from my side. I think he really wanted her to have the initials the band:rotfl:

I would just go with what you liked first...I can only every remember having my initials on my PE kit at high school...which I promptly lost anyway lol. Xx
I didn't think it was too bad either, could have been stig or worse lol xx
This made me smile for 2 maiden name began with Sig and my brother and I had Siggy as a nickname for years...he still does. :) I can honestly say it never bothered us.

Secondly my daughters initials spell out EKO which really bothered my husband as the local paper where we grew up was called "The Echo" it never bothered me and I stuck to my guns as her middle name is a family name from my side. I think he really wanted her to have the initials the band:rotfl:

I would just go with what you liked first...I can only every remember having my initials on my PE kit at high school...which I promptly lost anyway lol. Xx

Haha I didn't think it was bad initials. All I could think of was a SIG bottle. My brothers are mij plus surname but sometimes he has had people think mij is his name when parcels came for him which I thought was hilarious.

Love how he wanted Elo my mil loves electric light orchestra x
I personally dont like Iris and Esther together, if you ask me Id tell everyone to piss off and its not their child. They dont have to grow up with the name either?

Really annoys me when people comment on personal choices. Its so rude. I also wouldnt change my childs name because people had an opinion on it, people have opinions on everything?

If you like the 2 names, go with that.

A total non-issue imo. Pick the name you like and to hell with anyone else!! xx
I hate when people have opinions on baby names. It is your baby, call it what you like.
What is the issue with SIG anyway? x
I have an ELF lol I figured if he's bothered he just won't tell anyone his middle name most people don't know mine (it's no secret I just don't tell people)
Doll eyes I wouldn't add in anything its just ppl being picky I mean its not like anyone is going to call her SIG she will be getting called Scarlett xx
Lol I know people think as soon as you're pregnant they're entitled to have an opinion on everything. Fully expect the same when parenting too. She's sticking as our little SIG decision made. I didn't like iris and Esther together didn't flow.

Thanks girlies! Also elf is so cute as initials! Xx

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