shopping spree


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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Well since we've been housebound for the week with Ryan's chicken pox and now they've scabbed over thank god, I made the most of payday and went out for the day to update his toybox. He has quite a few things but he's sort of outgrowing stuff now that he can stand by himself, and likes things that move and stuff more than rattles.

So I bought...

(Not moving related but) A ball pool and 2 bags of balls - the ball pool was happy safari from mothercare and was half price £6.49 and is hippor shaped and has a sunshade :cheer: and the balls were 2 bags for £7 from Asda :cheer: can't find a picture of the ball pool but it's awesome.

A happy safari ball from mothercare that goes boing whenever its slightly touched. I gave it to Ryan in the shop and it went boing and he laughed and held onto it, so that ones a winner... lol think that was a fiver...

A spinny thing by Bruin at Toys r Us

and it was £8 compared to the happy safari one which was £12... its 12 months + but Ryan plays with one at the mums and toddlers and knows how to work it, so fair play :D

And a little soft mobile phone thing from woolies for half price £3 because our Big W is closing down so theres an uber sale...

So we spent about £30 ish including lunch and bus ticket home (you should have seen how many people were laughing at me carrying all that and my bag constantly making 'boing' noises). I'd forgotton that the leftover of my maternity clothes, feeding tops and Rainforest Gym were selling on ebay and I came back and I'd got £62 in my paypal account! :D Which doubles what I spent on my shopping spree!

Sorry, I don't tend to bother you all with my boring shopping bargains, but I'm in such a good mood now and feel so much less guilty that I've made up for the cost of our new stuff and our day out by selling old stuff we don't use anymore :cheer: Can't wait to get the ball pool up :cheer:
omg, you couldnt leave the house for a week :shock: id go stir crazy lol.

some nice buys though :)
we have a ball pool but its filled with toys :roll: its the turtle one you can use as a sand pi and a paddling pool too :dance:

Love those toys though :cheer:
omg, you couldnt leave the house for a week :shock: id go stir crazy lol.

some nice buys though :)

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