She's definately a girl!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2005
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Just had a lovely weekend away in the Lakes...apart from coming back with a cold, a sore throat and no voice!!


I went for my 20 week scan last Friday and it's definately a little girl!!
I'll post the scan pics as soon as I put them on my comp.
The sonographer asked if me and my Oh were big babies!! (we were, I was 9lbs 1, and Che was 8lbs 13!!!) Then she said 'she's a nice weight!' :shock: I think I'm in for a whopper!! :shock:

Even though we only saw her 4 weeks ago, it's amazing how much she's grown. She was having a right little rave about in there aswell.

I'm getting really excited now, it seems to be going so fast and in no time we'll meet our little girl. We decided on a name over the weekend too...Molly Nicole Such. It took us weeks and weeks to decide on a middle name, I never thought it could be so hard!

On friday I also had a physio app. which confirmed I have SPD.....great stuff!! I knew I had it from what I'd read about it and the pain is unbelievable, but it's still crappy to have it confirmed! :(

Anyway, more good news...I have another scan at 28 weeks (16th June) so I get to see my little Molly again!!
OH's Mum said she'll pay for us to have a 4d scan!!! Wayhayy!!!!! I'm going to get it booked today!! I can't wait for that, we wanted one but decided against it because of having all the extra scans and the cost of them, but YAY!! :dance:

I'm sure I've bored you enough now...take care!

Sam and Molly! :D xxx
That's fantastic congratulations :D

I love the name and its so nice to read such an uplifting post, I am grinning from ear to ear!

Sorry about the SPD though :(
great news!

I doubt the sonographer can tell the babies birth weight at this stage so don't worry about that :roll:
Congrats Sam.. another little girlie.. yeaaaaah!!

My niece [god-daughter] is called Mollie and I love it.. great choice!!

sorry about the SPD.. what a pain !

28 weeks will soon creep up on you and little Molly will have grown again and will be kicking you to bits by then too!! xx
Awww thanks!

We already knew she was a girl from our scan 4 weeks ago, but it's nice to know for sure, we saw her '3 lines' between her legs!

BTW, I meant to say before, if any of you are wondering why my tickers are different, it's because the top one shows my scan dating of 5th sept, and the bottom one is of the first date I was given 27th Aug. The midwife thinks she'll be an August baby as she is big and thinks the scan is wrong!
So that's why.....we'll see!?!
aww congrats sam :D :D

lovely name you've chosen aswell :D :D hope u have an august baby :D say august 25th (thats my birthday :D :D) lol

shame bout the spd though :(

hayley xx
Sam, you sound so much brighter this week, so glad that the scan went well for you. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend away as well, nice to spend some quality time with OH. Love the name you have chosen, it goes really well, and I'm sure she will suit it. Sorry you are still suffering with spd, might be the least of your problems come the end of August/Sept, a 9lb whooper :shock:
good news that she is still a girl!! hehe

how long did it take for you to see a phsyo after your midwife refered you?? did you go hospital?? do you get a letter etc

my midwife has refered me too and i was wondering when i would get a call.

Keely xxxx
Aww, I'm really chuffed for you Sam. It sounds like they may have got the dates wrong at the first scan, so here's to an August baby!!

I took 4 weeks from when the midwife reffered me, then I got a letter and had to phone for an appointment. Luckily they were able to fit me in that week!!
It must just depend on how busy they are!
Oh congratulations, Im having a girl aswell.

Have you bought any pinky things yet???

Aww congratulations on your little pink one. Very exciting!

I am still undecided whether to find out the sex! I have just over 5 weeks to decide! Will probably decide on the day!!

Take care of yourself :D

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