shes being a *****


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2005
Reaction score
ok i have a problem with a girl i met in a pool/chat room.
I used to play on this game loads and got to know all the regular people and had a laugh ect, nothing bad was all just a laugh really.
This girl got a hold of my old email addy and has been sending all sorts of emails to it and adding it to all sorts of web sites!! I have just checked for emails in it since about 8 weeks ago and had 658 emails :shock:
the one that is pissing me off is she has added me to a swingers thing and i have all sorts of perverts sending em emails :shock:
348 guys have tried to add my old msn addy to their contacts aswell :shock:

anyone got any idea how i can stop all of this happening, i try not to look into that email adress anymore but i just cant help it incase i get an email from someone i havent added to teh new one.

Shes a freak of nature and funny thing is she added a profile on face party witha ll my details but her pictures :?

sorry just needed to moan about it as its doing my head in now :wall:
What a fucking weirdo?! :eek:

Get her told wee star!!! I mean it's not that if your OH happens to look at your old emails or whatever and theres al lthese emails from guys you know? You;ve got enough on your plate at the moment without this strange girl adding to your worries! :hug:
i dont even know any of teh people who are emailing me,
Oh doesnt go into my emails but if he did then i would hate to think what would be going through his head!!!!

I have emailed her several times telling her to delete me but shejust replys saying ' yous a bitch to me so im giving you it ten times worse' i only recall speaking to her once as i beat her a pool and she wasnt happy and started saying stuff online about me, after a while i got fed up felt as though i was back at school :lol: and i just left and never played since and i think that got right up her nose and thats when all teh emails started :roll:

its really sad and wish she would fuck
on her profile it sayd she was 24 but she told everyone she was only 21 :?
The way she's going on seem smore about 12!!

Whats her email addy, get her bloody well back!!
hang on need to go into my old email addy and get
[email protected]

her name is ruth

im sure the profile she made of my name on face party id was JUST_A_HUNNI something like that but it has all her pictures on it :?
hmmmmm she has changed my name to amy who was a friend of mine from teh pool room :?
:shock: :shock: :shock: omg what a total wierdo! Thats the only problem with the internet! were lucky were all normal sane nice people on here!!! :angel:
hehe wait till i get home and i'll sign her upto some "fun" things!! :twisted: :lol:
:rotfl: :rotfl:

you girls are fab :hug:

that postcode was my mothers old one only reason i came up with it :lol:

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