She spoke!!!?????

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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:shock: :shock: :shock: :think:

We always wake Ruby at 11pm fo a final feed before we go to bed...OH goes in and wakes her gently saying "Hello" several times in a sing song Telly Tubby stylee type of voice.......

OH and I were in her nursery last night, he was changing her, I was putting some clothes away in her wardrobe...Ruby was lying on changing mat cooing and smiling as she always does when she suddenly, clear as a bell said "Ello" in the same sing song type of voice, EXACTLY as OH does it!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: I froze, and turned to look at OH, he was stood with his gob hanging open, eyes wide, saying "Did you hear that Zo??!!!" It was the SPOOKIEST thing I have ever heard!!!!!!

If I hadnt of been there with him, I would never of believed OH..but I heard it too!!!

I rang the Grannies, to tell them how clever their granddaughter was...I think they think I am a bit sleep deprived or mental...or both :lol:

We are thinking of skipping school for her, and sending her straight to University once she can walk... :rotfl: :rotfl:
Rubys mummy said:
We are thinking of skipping school for her, and sending her straight to University once she can walk... :rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: I don't blame you!!!!!!!!

OMG! you must be so proud!!
I was watching you've been framed the other day, a baby special and this little boy, no bigger than 6 months, said 'I Love you'!!!!
No one believed it! Well done Hun, you must have a lil genius on your hands!
aw bless ruby's a clever little girlie :D

you could send her to oxford uni :lol:

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