She has fangs!!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Her fangs are coming thru!!!!!

Shes been chewing her hands for weeks and dribbling like I dont know, clamping on my nipple :? and over the past few days her wee smells strong.

No red cheeks so thought nothing of it.

Had a look this afternoon and she has fangs comming and her other top teeth dont look to far behind either.

Oh my poor baby :cry: and my poor poor nipples :cry: :cry:

Shes really upset with the pain :cry: :cry: :cry:
Oh toothy!

If she does bite dont make a fuss and tell her no really firmly. and put her down. Oliver only bit me twice and it didnt really hurt!

Ok I will try that, thanks Jade :D
lol I hope it doesnt :lol:
He did bite tonight but thats because he is a wriggle bum! He just caught me wrong so that doesnt count! Then he nipped with his that did hurt! :?
Shes been doing that lately, she grabs my skin when she feeds and pinches me :? little madam :lol:
Tasha20 said:
Shes been doing that lately, she grabs my skin when she feeds and pinches me :? little madam :lol:

Ooooo yes, Debs does that as well. I've got a lot of boob for her to grab as well, when they're not full there is a lot flab for her to get her hands into (I'm secretly worried she will disappear one day lol). I think Debs might be teething as well - she's dribbling like mad, and her poor fists are chewed all the time lol. Plus she's a little more grumbly occasionally and sometimes only very occasionally) yelps as if something is hurting her :(
Aww poor little thing! :cry: hope the pain doesn't last too long!
Hope she doesn't cause you too much pain either-Brody sometimes bites my nipple and it hurts so I'm dreading his teeth coming through! :?
Tasha20 said:
Shes been doing that lately, she grabs my skin when she feeds and pinches me :? little madam :lol:

Gabriella used to do this to me as well.

Oooh exciting that she has teethies coming through. I hope she isn't in too much pain :hug:
Aww thank you all so much :hug:

Well she had anoter day of one min fine the next screaming and upset :cry:

I have the era things but they dont seem to be doing anything :think:

I gave her calpol before bed and a feed, and she is fast asleep and pain free :)

It looks like the top lot are going to come one after each other, fangs then front, just a case of waiting now :( blees poor maid :(

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