Sharp Pains


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2011
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Hi girls,

Had a crap nights sleep, had really bad restless legs and sore nipples. Then in the middle of the night i turned over and git some sharp pains down my side. Only for a minute then when i turned again the same... no pain this morning, anyone else had this? thanks girls xx
Could of been Round Ligament Pain?

I get it from time to time and it's not very pleasant. Obviously any kind of pain gets you worried, but its most probably normal, especially if it only happened those times and didn't carry on for a lot longer.

And I'm in the same boat with the crappy nights sleeps and restless legs! OH has to tell me off for shaking my feet all the time!
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I have restless legs too and oh either laughs or shouts telling me to keep still! He doesn't understand I can't help the bloody spasming of the feet:-(
Sounds like ligament pains to me I got it alot from 10 weeks onwards its not too bad at the moment it seems to come and go probably jinxed myself now !.....good luck with it :)
I had this at 14 weeks whilst we were on holiday. Thought it might have been the bed making me uncomfy but think it was just everything moving about when I turned. Am sure it's nothing to worry about xxxxxxxxx
Yeah I get that sometimes when I move or twist round too fast. It hurts a lot but goes away really quick. I don't think it's anything to worry about :)
yep sounds like ligiment pain, i get in when moving about in bed all the time, expect it more, its just your body making room for baby :) xxx
Thanks for your replies everyone! mind now at rest xx :D

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