Sharing Ultrasound Scan News


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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I know its usually a very exciting time going for a scan and then sharing the results with everyone else and proudly showing off our photos but there have been a few ladies this week who have been given some bad news.

I know everyone on here will support others when we receive bad news but I think we should all try and be a bit more sensitive when sharing our scan news as this can be very upsetting for others who's scan hasn't gone as well.

It might just be a case of using different words rather than saying that everything is alright maybe just say that you had a good scan?

Just a thought & I hope I don't get shot down in flames for this post, I just think we need to think about how others might feel.
i dont mean to contradict you in any way shape or form, but i was told that im having twins..okso yeah im supposed to be happy but im still shaky over it all. then i found out something is wrong, hence a rescan and now having to have an amnio, i know somethinhg is wrong whatever the results come back as, and im not happy over the scans. I know people have had a lot worse go on etc, but still, im kind of considering myself as one of those who wasnt etirely happy with her scan. Still though, i love seeing others scan pics, and by reading their positivity and seeing their enthusiasm and knwing their bubs is ok, it's giving us hope. no ones saying 'my baby is fine, yours isnt :moon: ' or anything, I for one enjoy reading that people are fine, and i think maybe the place would be a bit dull otherwise if we were all having negativity.

just my little input, sorry...
I'm sorry if i offended anyone by my scan post, its just that its all so exciting and you cant wait to share the news with others.
I never realised about other peoples bad news and i'm so sorry if i did upset anyone, it was never my intention..........
Sorry but I think everybody on here is entitled to share their news wether it is good or bad (and be able to word it however they want).

We are all here for each other and are supportive wether news is good or bad. I went through a miscariage while I was an active member of this forum and I can honestly say that other people's success etc didn't make me more upset, yes sometimes I'd think 'that could of been me' etc, but I'd never be really hurt over somebody else's good news.

It is awful what some people have to go through, and we all feel for them. I don't think any of the people on here who've had a bad time would want other members to avoid posting their good news and happy stories on their behalf, I know I wouldn't.
Oh and might I add, how is saying 'everything is alright' and 'I had a good scan' any different? They both mean the same thing. Infact if anything, the words 'I had a good scan' are more insensative than 'everything is alright' in my opinion.
I agree with JodieLou - we're all here to offer support through good and bad and that means sharing all of our news xxx
Although I agree that good and bad news shared together is helpful to everyone, I am wording this post differently as I'm sure an argument was never the intention of the thread...

IMO, Charlie's post wasn't meant to offend anyone and was definitely posted under very sweet means to spare a thought for the ladies who have received not so great news... I can see that everyone is very supportive here, I think she just meant it to reiterate?!

Can we not just leave it and avoid any bad feeling?

:hug: xxx
Hi Charlie

It's really nice of you to look out for others :hug:

As someone who had bad news at their scan (my baby has renal pelvis dilation and will have scans and tests throughout preganancy, at birth, 6 weeks old and 6 months old and may need medication when born) I just wanted to reassure you that I love hearing people's good news and how excited they are about their babies :D I chose not to post about my scan for a long time because I tend to keep things like that to myself but that didn't mean I wasn't really pleased for all the others who have healthy babies.

I had a look and I can't see a post from you saying how your scan went. I hope everything went OK and you are not upset by anything :hug:
Well i was about to reply but jodielou has expressed my thoughts entirely so no need to. :) I havent had my scan yet but have replied to ladies who have had not so good news and those who have. The forum is here to support everyone.
I have to agree that when I had my miscarriage last summer it gave me hope to read about other people's successful scans and see pictures.
it's so sweet to look out for people etc and im hoping your scan went ok. :hug: to you x
First of all I expected some "controversy" over my post and I thought long and hard before submitting.

I submitted the post on the back of the recent bad news that a few ladies have received because I wanted to ask others to be careful with the words used when posting scan news. My main motivation for doing this was a reply I saw in response to a scan thread, the reply was from a moderator and it was asking others to be careful and mindful of the words used when celebrating scan news, because there had been some ladies who had received bad scan news. It made me think about the people who receive bad news and how maybe they are affected.

Im not asking anyone to stop posting whether good or bad, I think its wonderful that we can share good and bad experiences and the support on here is fantastic. Its lovely to hear that some people find hope and motivation from these threads, but whilst some people find hope and motivation others dont, and thats all I wanted to highlight. I chose not to share my scan for that reason.

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