Sharing My Pregnancy Symptoms...


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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Hi there everyone,

I thought I would write a post to let you know what my symptoms were before I got my BFP.

About a week after I must of conceived I felt very, very light headed and felt as if I was getting the flu. My throat was quite sore and nose runny.
The week before I tested I became really, really tired, I even kept falling asleep at lunchtime!
To be honest I really thought that I was going to come on and only tested to show myself that I wasn't pregnant...imagine my shock!
I'm still to this day still getting AF type pains and it's only now 5 weeks into the pregnancy that my boobs are now becoming really sore. This has just happened over night.
I'm still really tired, have only been sick once which seemed to come from nowhere and have become a bit spotty.

Good luck with your BFP can and it does happen, just try not to think about it constantly (though easier said than done :( ) and try to stay as relaxed as you can.

Baby Dust to you all x :D
Thanks for that :) .I love when people tell us ttcers about symptons they had before their period as it gives us something new to look for :rotfl:

I'm due on in a far I have spotted...

*loads of CM
*I Havent had a cold...more like constant sneezing ????
*Sore Back
*One sore nipple ???
*loads of period like pains
*bad moods!!!!
*A little brown a wipe so I don't know if that counts??
*I feel pregnant but it's probably all in my head.
*Cold sore and I have not had one since I was young
*mouth ulcer
*Eating loadssss
*Bad wind (tmi) but that could be related to all the crappy food I have been throwing down me :oops:
I'm praying it will happen this first month for me!!
I'm so impatient and there's still one more week to wait!!!!

Good luck with your pregnancy and Congrats :hug:
:wave: ohhh klee, ive got at least 6 of your symptoms
(including the wind one!!) :rotfl: :oops: and im testing any day now.......

MMMmmmmmmmmmm i wonder.?????????????..... :think: :think: fingers crossed eh... :pray:
:pray: :pray: :pray: Please Please Please! I'm praying for the both of us!!
I'm due on my period on Monday or Tuesday but think I'm gonna do a sneaky one on sat morning!! :lol:
Hope it's a bfp for you chick xo :hug:
:shock: ohhhh keep me posted!!!!!! :O)
im testing sometime over weekend too!!! :hug: :hug:
Just bumping this to the top to let you know that after telling you all about these symptoms...I'm now pregnant!!!!!

Don't know if these were all related to being pregnant but it gives you something to look out for :D :D

Is indigestion a sign? i never normally get it but just this last week or two i've been getting it loads like today im just sat at my desk belching away... im so lady like...haha

strated to feel a little light headed today too, im thinking this might just be in my head tho because im late.....
hi sunshine, yeh ive heard indigestions quite common!!!
ohhhh exciting!!!!
good luck!
well its another day and im still not on, please let this brown discharge just be old bloody from implantation.... pleeeaase...
I'm nearly 7 weeks and the sickness has just started, making me feel pretty rough. It's like I have a bad hangover...all day!!! Never mind, hopefully it should ease up around the 12th week.

Hope you're all ok x :)

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