Hi there everyone,
I thought I would write a post to let you know what my symptoms were before I got my BFP.
About a week after I must of conceived I felt very, very light headed and felt as if I was getting the flu. My throat was quite sore and nose runny.
The week before I tested I became really, really tired, I even kept falling asleep at lunchtime!
To be honest I really thought that I was going to come on and only tested to show myself that I wasn't pregnant...imagine my shock!
I'm still to this day still getting AF type pains and it's only now 5 weeks into the pregnancy that my boobs are now becoming really sore. This has just happened over night.
I'm still really tired, have only been sick once which seemed to come from nowhere and have become a bit spotty.
Good luck with your BFP everyone...it can and it does happen, just try not to think about it constantly (though easier said than done
) and try to stay as relaxed as you can.
Baby Dust to you all x
I thought I would write a post to let you know what my symptoms were before I got my BFP.
About a week after I must of conceived I felt very, very light headed and felt as if I was getting the flu. My throat was quite sore and nose runny.
The week before I tested I became really, really tired, I even kept falling asleep at lunchtime!
To be honest I really thought that I was going to come on and only tested to show myself that I wasn't pregnant...imagine my shock!
I'm still to this day still getting AF type pains and it's only now 5 weeks into the pregnancy that my boobs are now becoming really sore. This has just happened over night.
I'm still really tired, have only been sick once which seemed to come from nowhere and have become a bit spotty.
Good luck with your BFP everyone...it can and it does happen, just try not to think about it constantly (though easier said than done

Baby Dust to you all x