ye there was a thing on tv the other day about it
My OH has it, its the most frustrating thing in the world, and he gets himself so worked up and upset about it.
Its so bizarre i cant imagine having it poor buggers, i bet they have a hard time explaining it to, least with it on tv itll be a bit more out there !
MagicMarkers said:
Its so bizarre i cant imagine having it poor buggers, i bet they have a hard time explaining it to, least with it on tv itll be a bit more out there !

My friend is gay I think it was a bit of a mind thing :( he loved his best friend and he stayed round the house and my friend started trying "stuff" it was horrible. They fell out over something really stupid and to get him back his "best friend" reported him to the police for sexual harassment. He got arrested and is on the sex offenders list because of it. If you knew him you would know he would never of done it purposely he was so cut up about it. :(

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