sex after childbirth


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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my boyf and i wanted to do it last nite but i chickened out coz i'm afraid it might hurt. its 2 weeks tomorrow since i gave birth and i had a second degree tear needing 2 stitches (which hav dissolved now)
do u think it would be painful now? i was scared my first poo would be painful but it wasnt! lol.
how long did everyone wait to have sex? particularly mums with similar injury to mine.
everyone is different. don't let your OH pressurise you though. A weeks not long especially if you had a tear.
wait about 3 weeks at least before trying. That in my opinion anyway.
I was cut and had stitches and i waited for about 3-4 weeks after to do the deed as i was scared it was gonna hurt...but it didn't :)
i tore very badly and had about 12 stitches, inside and out, we waited about 6 weeks but only because the so called dissolvable stitches didnt dissolve and i had to have them pulled out 4 weeks after giving birth!!
6 weeks as i had stiches and was very sore
I had stitchges too trixiepaws, but gave into my OH after 3 weeks, it was ok, just take it gentke and i have some oretty gorey advice for you!

Sometimes after you have hjad a baby its sometimes impossible to lube up naturally, so get some ky jelly. as it eases you and makies sex more pleasurable.
i think the advice is to wait 6 weeks or so to give everything a time to not only heal but erm get back to normal :oops:
Don't rush it, take your time and do it when you feel ready.

I had a 3rd degree tear (well in the hospital I was told it was 4th degree, but afterwards my health visitor said it was 3rd degree, so who knows).

It healed up by about 6-8 weeks, but even then we didn't attempt sex right away. It was 4 months in total after DD was born before we attempted sex.
i had a cut and ended up with stitches and it was very sore..

it was about 4 weeks before i could even feel ready to try again..

my tip would be to use ky or something like that for your first few goes, will ease it alot better..

I agree though dont push yourself until your ready!
Between 2 and 3 weeks after having all of mine and i had a really bad tear with my second
DH practically jumped me as soon as i stopped bleeding so about 4 weeks with Willow and 6 with Conal, scared with both although never had any stiches or tares with either, tell him to have a ...... :shock: that should keep him going for a while :lol:
I had around 20 stitches all around my virgina after birth, inside and out, but I also had an episotomy and then an emergancy manual removal of my placenta after and it was here that I tore left right an center. I was lucky as it was done in surgery and was I was sewn up clean, neat and healed really well. Salt baths everyday were a wonder.

I waited about 4 weeks to have sex (although my ex wanted it much sooner) and it hurt abit as funnily enough I had been sewn up quite tightly. But it's not bad pain, more like the pain of loosing your virginity... it feels tight and burning. However, if you think it is going to hurt you will tense up and it will hurt then because your muscles will be tense....Try relaxing before you try and remember to have some lubrication ready to help just encase. Give yourself sometime and only when you feel ready.
h33 said:
tell him to have a ...... :shock: that should keep him going for a while :lol:
lol he did after i'd fallen asleep he told me th next day! but i wanted it too though but i was scared :(
Organise your evening trix,

Start by getting millie to bed (if poss at her age) and have a date night!Dinner, drinks (soft ones for you lol) and just be all relaxed and have agood shag girl, you deserve it after all!
I waited about 4 weeks the first time, but it hurt quite a bit so we didn't try again for another few weeks. It's only now that it's getting back to normal. I had an internal tear that the midwife missed and a labial tear, but no stitches.
Had a second degree tear, internal stitches as well. We waited 8 weeks, still doesn't feel quite right though. Definiely agree about the lube!!! :)
budge said:
wait about 3 weeks at least before trying.
its 3 weeks tomorrow might try my luck! :dance:
lol probably not actually he's at a party 2nite will probably be too drunk :roll:
3 months.

I told OH the doctor said not for at least 8 weeks to get me off the hook :twisted:

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