seen the midwife


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
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just got home from my first visit to the midwife, she was lovely, not what i expected, i imagined i would get one of those old and nasty types :rotfl: answered a million questions, gave blood for tests and that was about it, she felt my tummy and said feels like i could be 14 weeks, which i thought i might be :lol: i will get a letter for a scan appointment within the next two weeks. i am so happy i have finally seen her, and she said i can ring her anytime, no matter what it is about :D
larisa said:
she sounds lovely hun!!! x

yes she was and she has children herself so didn't look at me stupid when i asked mad questions :lol:
Manda&Thomas said:
awww that great hun
but 4 weks farther ahead :shock: madness

well i thought i might have been because the last period we were dating from only lasted a day, in a way i am pleased, hopefully we will be able to see a baby when we have the scan :D

I had my first midwife visit today too :D Mine was very similar - lots of medical history questions and a blood test (which I amazed myself by staying conscious throughout!! :lol: )

Found out that I won't get a scan on the NHS till 20 weeks though which is a bit disappointing. Now looking at local hospitals to get myself booked in for a Nuchal scan in a few weeks time.

Kez said:

I had my first midwife visit today too :D Mine was very similar - lots of medical history questions and a blood test (which I amazed myself by staying conscious throughout!! :lol: )

Found out that I won't get a scan on the NHS till 20 weeks though which is a bit disappointing. Now looking at local hospitals to get myself booked in for a Nuchal scan in a few weeks time.


pleased it went well, but that is not good that you have to wait for 20 week scan, i would be gutted if i didn't get one before then. hope you get a Nuchal scan booked :hug:

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