Seeing my doctor Monday...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
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Basically, I have a form of rhumatoid arthritus, was diagnosed at 19 but haven't had an attack since then (I'm now 30). When I went into hospital with my mmc, one doctor commented I might have an increased risk of miscarrying due to the condition. As you can imagine, I freaked out and started to blame myself. However, certain websites say there's no evidence of this. I'm very confused! I might have to go on baby aspirin to ensure this doesn't happen again.

Not sure how I feel, if there is a chance I can do something to help, I'll grab it with both hands but I'll feel sad that something so simple could've avoided my mc. Will keep you guys posted! Feeling good after my erpc last week, still bleeding slightly (just brown stuff tmi I know!) but not in too much pain, although I'm constantly paranoid about infection! Just another thing to worry about! Good news is, we've had an offer on our flat so might be moving soon, a great project to take my mind off things! :)
Hope it goes ok at docs caz, hopefully get some slightly more definate answers.

Good news about the flat and glad to hear you're still feeling ok after erpc. I seem to be feeling after having mine on tuesday, (tmi- a little brown spotting is about it) and I was in work on friday just to get that out of the way, just did a short day. I'm also paranoid about infection but fingers crossed will be ok. Also feeling frisky which is a bit frustrating!!!

Let's us know how it goes tomorrow if you can x
It can't hurt to check out your health before trying again. Its amazing the way your mind can find all sorts of ways to torture you with thoughts of "what if I had done it this way" etc after a mc. Hope your dr is helpful. x
The doctor is going to send me for blood tests to see if there might be something to worry about, but he seemed quite positive. He'd never heard of miscarriage rate being high for people with rhumatoid arthritus although most people who have the disease are older! All in all, not bad! Also, we've had an offer on our flat and we've accepted! It's nice when good things happen after such a horrible experience.
Good to hear positive things :) I've had a bad day so this has cheered me up a bit x
Sorry you've had a bad day! :( I watched Disney's Up with my class and we were analysing the opening clip, I totally forgot there's a scene where the couple are painting the nursery in preparation for their baby then it cuts to them in the hospital and the woman's crying!! How I kept it together in front of 30 9 year olds, I don't know!
Awww proud of you! I'd have been in floods, that opening scene always gets me anyway! X

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