Second name help


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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hey ladies well i know its a way off yet but were stuck on a second name for a boy we have already chosen girls names but are stuck on a second name choice for a boy which will be Harvey can anyone think of any name that will suitably go with it all ideas welcome :)
Whenever I hear the name Harvey, I always think Harvey Kinkle from Sabrina the Teenage Witch :oops: very sad I know and no help to you whatsoever but I just had to say it!
My nephews called Harvey and it suits him so much I love it! (wasnt so sure when she first told me they liked it, never told her that though obviously, but it has really grown on me and as soon as he arrived it really suited him!)

Im not sure about names that go what kind of names do you like?
How do you feel about using a name from the family as a middle name?

Lucy is named Lucy Sara after both my mum and granny. For this baby if she's a girl we plan on Lily as a middle name (after OH's Nana) or if its a boy probably James, after both OH's and my grandfathers.
Harvey Jacob :)

don't know why as I don't know any Harveys but it was my first thought on reading your post...
evemarie8 said:
Whenever I hear the name Harvey, I always think Harvey Kinkle from Sabrina the Teenage Witch :oops: very sad I know and no help to you whatsoever but I just had to say it!

Same here :oops:

It's a lovely name though :)
Thanks ladies and i did think of the name jacob actualy but then thought no more on it but it would be great to have a second name begining with J as both my lo's have :)
I love the name Harvey cant think of any middle names but Harveys so cute!
Harvery ermmmm, no i cant think of a middle name either but i do really like Harvery, plenty fo time for ideas though eh, sure youll get tons of suggestions from family and friends !!!

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