scratching noise in loft.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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john said he heard something scratching in the loft through the night.

we've actually never even used the loft in here, or been up in it. i'm terrified now. he said it's probably a squirrel, i don't know why he thinks that?

i'm too scared to go up and check so will need to wait till he's home, but what do we do? :)oops:)
Its probaly just an animal im sure its nothing to worry about. I would get him to go and check when he gets home. If its a squirrel you need to find out hows its getting in and block the gap up (making sure the squirrel it outside of course :lol: ).
It's probably a mouse, we get them all the time. The little buggers chewed all the lagging off our pipes last time.
If its bats (Im sure Im right in saying this) you can not "dispose" of them how you wish it has to be done properly. Hope its just a mouse now :D
We had a bird get in our loft once and it made an awful scratching noise!
LilysMummy said:
If its bats (Im sure Im right in saying this) you can not "dispose" of them how you wish it has to be done properly. Hope its just a mouse now :D

are they protected?
mum2A&L said:
LilysMummy said:
If its bats (Im sure Im right in saying this) you can not "dispose" of them how you wish it has to be done properly. Hope its just a mouse now :D

are they protected?

Yeah they are:

You will be committing a criminal offence if you:
Deliberately* capture, injure or kill a bat
Intentionally or recklessly disturb a bat in its roost or deliberately disturb a group of bats
Damage or destroy a bat roosting place (even if bats are not occupying the roost at the time)
Possess or advertise/sell/exchange a bat (dead or alive) or any part of a bat
Intentionally or recklessly obstruct access to a bat roost
i hope its not a bat :|

i'll have nightmares :lol:

i'm sure if he goes up to look there will be evidence?
sarafet said:
i'm sure if he goes up to look there will be evidence?

Poo :wink:

my mum and dad had a bird in their loft at one point and the reason they could tell was poo.. The bird got out its self though
We had this last year and it was a rat in our loft - send a cat up there to get it :lol:
mrs_tommo22 said:
We had this last year and it was a rat in our loft - send a cat up there to get it :lol:

One of my exes mum had rats in her loft. She opened the hatch and a dead one fell out :puke:
(her house was very dirty though, hope I haven't scared you hun :hug: )
hope its jus a bird hun, so glad im in a ground floor flat lol :lol:
Could be anything really. I heard scratching in our sealed off chimney (with a vent) and it was a bloody jackdaw (big ass crow). Doesn't take a dirty house to get mice and rats either, they're opportunist and come in wherever they find a way in. Don't count your chickens Kay - we're in a ground floor flat and have had mice get in through one of the many cracks in our stoopid old place - we had one last week get in a tiny gap behind the fireplace via the chimney. :roll:
we heard the strangest of noise this am, at first it was like rubble falling down between our wall and next door that was closely follewed by a sound which closely resembled a bit of plastic being shaken (what wobbly wo sound!) then it went quiet for 5 mins, then another huge crash bang wallop from the attic down between the walls!!

I was out the bed like a shot!!! have no idea what it was, and considering this house is only 3 yrs old, I dread to think what could have got in!!!
I thought I had rats in my walls, but I think it could be animals in the loft scratching around, and the sound traveling down through the walls into my bedroom. The hubby and I looked around and saw no holes or droppings, so that helped me calm down. I have a huge phobia of rats! X'D I assume it IS possible for the sound to travel like that... Thoughts?

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