
Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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i had a bout of this yesterday , last night i got up , then couldnt put my foot down or move my left leg i was in tears witht he pain ! ( prob looked funny as hell tho lmao)

i didnt think it had anything to do with being pregy , thought maybe later on when u got a big baby hitting every nerve !

but just read my 7 week update on pregnancy friend

and it says this !

You may feel some cramping as your uterus expands. You are still not showing, but you may have noticed that some of your clothes are beginning to feel tight.

Due to the hormones associated with pregnancy, the follicles in the ovaries stop maturing. Your uterus has begun to swell and its lining has thickened considerably.

You may have cravings for certain foods and find others completely unappealing. The smell of cigarette smoke and the taste of alcohol may make you nauseous.

Some women experience sciatic nerve pain which is an occasional severe pain in the buttocks, back or side of the legs. If you experience sciatic nerve pain, lying on your opposite side may relieve the pressure on the nerve.

how the joys lmao

anyone else suffering !
:wave: Congratulations chick, I somehow missed your BFP :cheer: Looks like having your cyst removed done the trick :D .
I've had sciatica since I was 17 (I was drunk and fell off a stool :roll: ). It's not so bad now it just flares up now and again and it feels like my back wants to crack. It's a bit sore today but then it comes and goes anyway so I'm not linking it it PG.
I dont know whether its sciatica or not but i suffered on and off quite severely with pelvic and hip pain for weeks, sort of like going right up around the bikini line up over the hip and round the lower back and down the upper thigh! It was a horrible aching sensation and i'd have to lie down with a pillow between th legs and hope for the best. Seems to have calmed down lately though thank goodness!
I had it really bad when I was pg with DS, so bad it made me sick and I just couldn't walk at all.

For me sciatica was worse than giving birth :shock:
kim are we have identical pregnancies !

lisa how did u miss it lmao , im ow 7 weeks gone ! :rotfl: glad u taken the time off work tho ! means ya back with me :cheer:
maybe thats what i had then in my leg, laying on my back but sitting upright and laying back i get it. also on my right side but laying upwards against the duvet. also baby lying on nerve prob.

had serious pain earlier baby was laying on my left hip grrr. kicks my ribs and hits/punches my pubic bone and can feel that through my ladies area down there.horrible feeling too. :lol:
had serious pain earlier baby was laying on my left hip grrr. kicks my ribs and hits/punches my pubic bone and can feel that through my ladies area down there.horrible feeling too. :lol:[/quote said:
'Oh the joy! Thanks for letting us know in advance :shock: :lol:
oh hope your not scared :lol:

punching in the ladies area think its too much sugar im eating and caffeine free coca cola probably doesnt help much :wall:

babys fault got me eating sweet stuff and fancying coca cola.

can happen about 1am,2am and sometime in afternoon. babys changed sleeping pattern :wall:

sure u be ok tho :)
spoke to my nurse last night , she said she had it for the whole 9 months and could barely use her left leg !

got it bad again last night , coulfnt get up off the blooming sofa !
omg how can you not move a leg?? Is that cos the nerves all go dead? How scary is that at least with anaesthetic etc you know its gonna wear off! :shock:
Pregnopaws said:
omg how can you not move a leg?? Is that cos the nerves all go dead? How scary is that at least with anaesthetic etc you know its gonna wear off! :shock:

yeah its weird. when im getting dressed and putting my pants on, i put my right leg in and then when i try and lift my left leg up it all goes weak and i nearly fall over!
very weird feeling ,u get the pain actually in a bum lol but when u try to lift or move ya leg it hurts like hell and just doesnt seem to want to work ! when i got it while standing i couldnt put my heal down !

it honestly feels just like it is , a trapped nerve in a ya bum and when its bad u cant move and when its not so bad u just have bum ache lmao
gem does it hurt in bed aswell? like when your turning over?
OMG its getting really bad now

when i get into bed and lie straight down on my back, im in agony just getting up again! :wall: :wall: :wall:
I dunno how different this is to ligament stretching pains, but the exercises they gave me at physio are really doing the trick ..
suely ligament pains are in the tummy ?

these are in ya bum :oops: but makes u loose the feeling in one of ya legs !

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