scared of a pelvic exam


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
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I'm really scared about having a pelvic exam, I think it will hurt even though i read that it wont and I dont feel comfortable having someone I dont know touching me and putting things up me, I know i have to and people are gonna be seeing and touching down there when im having my baby but the thought of it makes me feel sick.
However bad you think it will be, I can guarantee it won't be that bad.
It is something you will have to deal with but it's something you can breathe through x
You have to think past it , I'm afraid it's part and parcel of pregnancy , as time goes on you will get more use to it, try and relax down there and think of something brilliant like holding your LO for the first time and looking into their eyes for the very first time.... it will be over before you know it honestly .
One really good point is the more internals you have in your first pregnancy the easier and quicker your labour is likely to be so that point may also help you , Good luck xx
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:hugs: you will get through it fine I promise x
because of some things that have happened in my life, i have a severe anxiety about examinations down there, it was so bad that if anyone even mentioned it, i would break down in tears and start shaking violently.

i voiced this concern at the beginning of pregnancy and everyone said 'when it comes to it, you wont mind what they do!'
i didnt believe them, but ive had to have these examinations several times now, and although its still not pleasant, i know its to ensure the health of my baby, and so im somehow able to forget about my worries and cope with it, and it really isn't as bad as you think its going to be!

if you tell your midwife straight away she can put it in your notes, they have been really good with me because i told them about my worries from the start.

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You can refuse it you know, it doesn't have to be part and parcel of your pregnancy. There is no need for a pelvic examination during a healthy pregnancy.

My best friend has three children and refused all internal examinations (she is all about low intervention, least invasive etc) because unless you are curious to know about the results and if your pregnancy is a straight forward low risk there isn't much to be gained that can't be found other ways. I will be refusing them too.
apart from 2 intenral scans at 6 and 8 weeks i had no other internals until labour x
apart from 2 intenral scans at 6 and 8 weeks i had no other internals until labour x

I had one at my 12 week scan.

(plus one at 7w 1d with my early scan)

There aren't any routine internal exams in actual pregnancy (well I didn't have any anyway) but they will need to give you an internal to see how far dilated you are. They keep them to a minimum, but sometimes they have to xx
I didn't have any internals except when they tried to induce me x
in labour to see how many cms your dilated or to check the cervix
I've been pregnant 5 times and have never had an internal until I was past 37 weeks (waters leaking), in labour (to check cervix) and then during the first MC to see where the bleeding was coming from. The second MC my doc said he wasn't going to bother until he got the results of the scan. the scan had showed the baby had died 2 weeks before hand so he didn't bother with an internal because he knew where it was coming from.

I don't think they do internals unless they are 100% needed.
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