Scans ???


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2008
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What scans has everybody been offered or had by the nhs, i've seen loads of people posting about 12 week scans, but in my previous pregnancys i've only ever had the 20 week scan. Its 4 years since my youngest was born so have things changed or is my hospital just rubish :? . I will be going to blackpool victoria hospital by the way.
I had a dating scan as I had no idea how far along I was

I dont know about a 12 week one though, will I get that aswel or?
It all depends on your area. I had a 12 week scan and one at 20 weeks but some areas only do 12 week and some only do 20 week scans.

I'm sure you will find out all of the information soon. Give your midwife a call or ask at your booking in appointment :D
I had a scan at 12 weeks and another at 20 weeks. xxxxx
our local hossie last year used to give ou a 12 week ne and a 16 week one thats it, now they only give you a 12 week one if you dont no how far gone you are (so im going to lie and claim i dont no) and the usual 20 one they also disclose the sex aswell now yay
i always book a early scan privatly though at around 9 weeks and again much later on about 30 weeks
How do you book a private scan? And how much does it cost?
I'm having my first - doctor reckons I'm around 7 weeks but seeing as it was a surprise pregnancy I'm not entirely convinced. I'm planning to tell me folks at Xmas but would like to check everything is OK before telling everyone the news...
try searching google for private scans in your area, mine costs £50 but i know some are cheaper some are more
routine scans are at 11-14 weeks and 20-22 weeks here.

I had a scheduled reassurance/dating scan at 8w (this pg is straight after a m/c with retained products despite 2 D&Cs, so they're being extra careful) and I also ended up having an emergency scan at 7w after I had sudden severe bleeding and had to be taken to A&E.

Private scans are £80-150 here for early pregnancy, depending on clinic and how far out of London you'll go.

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