

Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
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When you have a scan... can u get more than one copy of the scan? I am just asking as thought it would be nice to send my parents a copy of the scan in America....
i think so.. when i had a scan with charlotte i think it was free for 1 and £3 for a copy
Its different at every hospital, mine were free, but you had the option to make a donation, so i paid a pound per picture.Just ask when you get there and im 100% sure they will give you more them one copy, i had 5 at all my scans, cost me a bloomin fortune!
I have had 3 scans. The first 2 were at 7 & 8 weeks so I never got at picture.

I got 3 different pictures at my 12 week scan and paid a £4 donation although the sign requests a £2 donation.

I scanned my pictures on to my home computer so I have a copy at my desk at work and also to give to my family. They turned out quite well. They are slightly brown coloured but are still very clear. xxx
we got 9 on our first one!! :oops:

Second one we just got two and copied them onto photo paper!! :dance:
yer u can get as many copies as u liek i think
with both my girls i got 6 at 12 week scan and 6 and 20 week
not sure of the prices i think it was just a donation though aswell like all the girls have said
xsophie x
I've yet to go for my scan (it's scheduled for Friday 13th July and I'm trying not to let that get to me!), but in the info it said that it was £5 for a picture of the scan. So it looks like in my area you don't even get one copy free. Which I think is a bit mean. I reckon the price is a bit steep, too. My sister said that at the LGI in Leeds they only charge you £1 to have it emailed to you. But at the Epsom Hospital prices, I'd need to spend about £20 to get copies for everyone who wants it.
i got 2 pics today with no charge or donation. we didn't even ask for 2. last time it was £2 per pic and that was the same hospital. i'm sure they just make it up as they go along. :wink:

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