Scan too late?


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2008
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Hi all,

Just been onto the hospital to book in my first scan, they do the Nuchal scan and dating scan at the same time.

However they don't have any appointments until 2rd September by which point i'll be into 15 weeks (i think) which they said is too late to do the Nuchal scan.

I'm not really sure what to do now?!?

My boyfriend and I weren't trying, I was on the pill and must have slipped up, however we're both over the moon with the news, a definite good surprise! But as we weren't trying i have some doubts as to my dates, i have complete memory blank as to when exactly my last period was so don't have an exact LMP, i think around the end of May. The midwife put the date as 25th May which would make me 14 weeks and 4 days on the appointment day, is this too late? It may be my LMP date is a few days to a week after this so then i may be ok but i'm just not sure and don't want to leave it too late.

I saw the doctor as soon as i'd taken a test, she then said to make an appointment with the midwife in 2 weeks time which i did and sawe her last friday, the midwife said leave ringing the hospital for a week so they have your notes, rang on friday, they didn't have my notes so wouldn't book me in, then rang today and they did have my notes which was when they told me the first available appointment wasn't until 3rd September.

My midwife is on holiday now and i will ring the office she gave me the number for advice but that's at home and just wanted some other people's opinions.

Thanks for any advice, my first baby and a little unsure of how things should work!


is the nuchal scan the same as a dating scan? if you're not 100% how far along you are, surely they need to give you your first scan to find out how far along you are if nothing else?!

this is my first baby too, though & i'm not definate.
A Nuchal is no good past 14 weeks. In fact it only goes up to 13 weeks and a few days. So no, you'll miss the window. They really cannot do it past this. The time frame is only a couple of weeks for the measurements.

FWIW most NHS trusts don't offer a Nuchal as routine as there are not the staff trained to do them. Most areas if you want one you have to go private. I'd not worry overly about missing it as they can do blood tests and an amnio later on if there is concern. Also its not really worth it unless you have bloods taken as well to test and they combine the results to give you your overall score. Just the Nuchal scan on its own isn't really conclusive. Its when done with the blood test it gives results the most accurate results.

Or go private and have it done about 10 days sooner so as to make the window. Ensure they do bloods as well then to make it worthwhile.

But please don't panic if you don't have one. Most women don't on the NHS and have other tests around 15/16 weeks instead.
I did have a scan at 12 weeks but they didnt do a nuchal scan, it was purely a dating scan!

I have just had the quadruple blood tests done, which tests for down syndrome etc...

Then I will have have my 20 week scan done early next month!

You can pay to have a scan privately, and there are many companies offering this service if you do a google search.

I wouldnt worry too much, and if I was you I would just want to know how many weeks pregnant I was :D
Well first congratulations!! :cheer:
Second, if you dont know your dates at all then they really should have offered you an early dating scan! I had one when I was 6 weeks as I hadnt had a period since stopping the pill and getting ,y BFP so had no idea!
I then had a 12 week scan to confirm the dates!
I didnt have a nuchal scan! Didnt want one! I also didnt have the triple test either!
Try not to worry to much hun! If you miss the it then you will still be offered the triple/suad test (depending on your area) and if the results to that come back showing your high risk then you will be offered an Amniocentesis and other scans! :hug:
Congratulations on your BFP. :cheer: Glad it was a lovely surprise for you.

I had a dating scan done at 11 weeks as I also fell pregnant on the pill and had no idea when my LMP was! :oops: There was quite a gap between going to the doctors at about 5 weeks and my scan at 11+3.

My NHS trust does offer nuchal screening but apparently they forgot to do it (and I was so nervous I didn't think to mention anything! :oops: )

However, I had the triple test at 16 weeks and got the results a week later - I wasn't overly fussed with having these tests but OH wanted them done.

It depends how important the results of the tests are to you? If you feel you need to know, then there is the option of going privately. My mum had a nuchal scan and bloods done privately for £140 about a year ago.

Good luck. :hug:

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